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New Hull-holland Ferry Group
-r - 1 A NEW shipping company, North Sea Ferries Ltd., has been formed by a consortium of SIX leadin g shippin g companies to provide a daily ferry service meetin g the special......
Tunnel Toll Concession?
T HE Dartford Tunnel Joint Committee has proposed to the Minister of Transport that a 10 per cent discount should be offered to purchasers of prepaid tickets in respect of tolls......
Combined Ldoy Heats For Scotland A S Forecast In " The
Commercial Motor" LI. of April 2, there will not be a West of Scotland LDOY eliminator as had originally been planned. At a meeting last week the Glasgow and Edinburgh......
Iru To Prepare Memorandum On Road-rail Competition
FROM A SPECIAL, CORRESPONDENT T HE maj o r item discussed by Section II of IRU in Warsaw last week was the problem of railway competition and the measures to be taken by IRU to......
La Will Help On Maintenance
H AULIERS concerned about vehicle maintenance problems may be interested in a recent statement by Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, the Eastern Licensin g Authority. Speakin g at the annual......
Etom Buys German Hauliers T'ite Anglo-dutch Transport G...
NV, which is controlled by Transport Development Group and Thomsen's Verengde Bedrijven of Rotterdam, has ac q uired two German transport concernsSpetrans Robert W. Ruasch and......