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N EXT Wednesday the Road Haulage Association's new labour relations committee will be born. It will comprise some of the...
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-r - 1 A NEW shipping company, North Sea Ferries Ltd., has been formed by a consortium of SIX leadin g shippin g companies to...
T HE Dartford Tunnel Joint Committee has proposed to the Minister of Transport that a 10 per cent discount should be offered to...
Commercial Motor" LI. of April 2, there will not be a West of Scotland LDOY eliminator as had originally been planned. At a...
FROM A SPECIAL, CORRESPONDENT T HE maj o r item discussed by Section II of IRU in Warsaw last week was the problem of railway...
H AULIERS concerned about vehicle maintenance problems may be interested in a recent statement by Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, the...
NV, which is controlled by Transport Development Group and Thomsen's Verengde Bedrijven of Rotterdam, has ac q uired two German...
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VOR the past three years French hauliers have made an average yearly contribution to driver education of £100,000. Last year...
T HE Road Haulage Association wants the training board for road goods transport to be a completely separate one covering the...
U NDERLINING the importance of a high and uniform standard of goods vehicle testing, at a meeting of the West Midland division...
to Alan Leslie White, of North Road. Southend, who. his solicitor claimed, had been brought before them by the authorities "...
A MEETING of Mendip quarry tipper r - V hauliers was due to be held on Wednesday, when it was hoped that a chairman and...
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REALLY big increase in i rates of discharge of meal and other fine materials from square-ended bulk bodies is claimed by...
A CONVERSION of the Land-Rover by the English 1 - 1 Electric Co. Ltd. was demonstrated in London last week and is now to be...
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F IVE of these mobile pile-forming units (below) were recently supplied to the British Steel Piling Co. Ltd. Piles are produced...
A N AEC bogie incorporating two-spring suspension of the type used On dumper models is employed on a timber haulage pole...
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common transport policy, and a plan for a communications network through the Six Mat be agreed within three years. These were...
THE names of the commission on the co-ordination of transport in South Africa would 'be announced soon, said the Minister of...
last week, Mr. Stephen Swingler, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said that plans. schemes,...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HEprospects of a Tory attempt to cut the 50 per cent increase in goods vehicles' road...
THERE has been a good response from I members of the RHA highways and vehicles committee to the request for their comments on...
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of central (red) London Transport buses has been approved by the London Transport Board. The narrow cream band which separates...
THE whole of the share capital of BTS Motorways Ltd. has been purchased by Mr. D. M. Foy, chairman and managing director of...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT J \ FUNDAMENTAL change in the pay structure of company busmen wits advocated by the...
T HE first examples of a new fleet of 260 single-deck long-distance service buses are now entering service with Curtis [(impair...
Museum of British Transport at Clapham was staged last week end. More than 4.000 people attended, although the admission charge...
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new park and ride experiment introduced by Leeds Corporation get off to a slow start (" The Commercial Motor ", last week) but...
I N an effort to prevent any further accidents caused by high buses attempting to go under low bridges in the city,...
H OW far should a bus conductress go in her duties towards her passengers? This question was raised at the Glasgow Sheriff...
T HE redesigned Plaxton VAS luxury coach, which was introduced in modified form at the time of the 1964 Commercial Motor Show,...
A NEW localized timetable for the Basildon and Thurrock area has been published by the Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd., who...
old people have been agreed in principle by Derby Town Council. The suggested qualifying age for the cheap fares is 65 for men...
a major revision of bus services of Halifax Corporation and the Halifax Joint Omnibus Committee. The reorganization has been...
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A DELIBERATE and quite successful attempt to flout licensing laws was how the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. 1. R....
T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. 1. R. Muir, has refused to renew the Contract A licence of Adjuvil Ltd. to carry...
PA. A PROMINENT Finnish haulier, who has developed many successful European door-to-door services since 1959, appeared before...
A DUNDEE operator, Allison's Transport (Contracts) Ltd., successfully applied for a new A licence for a Roadrailer on April 5....
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A F.TER granting an increase in excursions and tours fares to 10 Shropshire operators last week, to which H. Brown and Sons...
T "West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Else, has announced a new "get tough" policy on owners of badly maintained goods...
B ECAUSE Merseyside docks were closed on Saturday mornings, six vehicles of a fleet of 29 were engaged on a backlog of work...
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Services'Ltd,, has yen appointed a director of London 2oastal Coaches Ltd., replacing Mr. E. L. raylor, who has resigned upon...
WE regret to record the death of Alderman R. J. Crispin. Aid. Crispin was the Mayor of Maidstone and had been chairman of the...
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A LL Gardner -enginecl ERE chassis, with the exception of those with a 4LK unit, are now fitted with CAV AC 524 alternators as...
IT has been drawn to our attention that on page 64 of our April 2 issue the word " Bulker " was used to describe a bulk...
will be held in the P.E.R.A. Exhibition Hall, Melton Mowbray, entitled " Financial Management and Cost Control ". It is being...
Ti E Minister of Transport has cireul ated to interested organizations proposals to prohibit the fitting and use of re-cut...
won a contract to build bodies for Datsun commercial vehicles manufactured by Nissan Motor Co. in Japan. The company's factory...
a £2m. programme to improve its service to customers throughout the world. The money, which brings the total Ford parts...
Ltd. is to supply four Scammell Highwayman 111 and two Handyman III tractive units and eight tandem axle semi-trailers to Key...
of £3m. were received by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. in the first few days after the introduction of the new D series of commercial...
vehictes have been announced by Mr. Donald Stokes. Nine dump trucks are to be supplied to Australia, 24 to South Africa, 12...
been formed to carry on the growing car sales and service side of the Bonallack group. The company will operate from large...
an order from BRS for 40 Heritage 10-ton, straight-frame 33-ft. trailers with Double-Safety automatic coupling gear, and from...
25 refrigerated vehicles are to be supplied to 'IA Transportmaschinen, Berlin.
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The Garage Lathe-1 I N the large vehicle workshop dealing with overhaul and heavy repair, one can expect to find a lathe...
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exchanger units is to be introduced by Hirst Electronic Ltd. These units are easy to install and maintain—they have no pipework...
fTHE metal section of the thermostat fitted to all Crypton Equipment fast chargers to make the batteries completely safe is,...
Tax Slide Ltd. has been revised to take account of the increased rate of tax and new scale of codes that became effective on...
gun is now available from Ch. J. Neuman Ltd. This has an improved plating finish—hard wearing and rust proof—on the head and...
been added to the range of pneumatic control equipment made by Martonair Ltd. This valve is a -k in. BSP, three port, one-way...
I - 1 Auto Alarm, is now being marketed by P.J.P. Trading Ltd. The alarm works on both 6V and I2V circuits and can be used on...
to a new, improved 1-1 formula by Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd. Changes in the chemical and physical characteristics are designed to...
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By The Hawk VIEW Angel of Mercy Motoring up the MI recently, our features editor had a major breakdown. He left his car at the...
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increase in bulk of household refuse, the availability of compaction-type collection vehicles is of considerable importance to...
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By ASHLEY TAYLOR, A KR I RTE, ASSOCINSTT A LTHOUGH the passenger transport scene in the Republic of Ireland is dominated by...
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BUT... 5 Havard: I want to read to you a resolution by the British Fire Services Association Conference last June. "That this...
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R ECENT events which have a close bearing on each other include the appointment by the Road Haulage Association of a committee...
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By S. Buckley Assoc Ins* T O FFICIAL surveys of road transport recently published have confirmed that public haulage still...
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Tartan Arrow Make Expected Progress MHEN the Ordinary shares of TARTAN ARROW VV SERVICE came to the stock market in February,...
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I WAS sorry to see from your announcement on page 62 A of your issue of April 2, that Filament Wound Reinforced Plastics have...
W HY do designers of commercial vehicles insist on their own " fads " for instrument layout? Why can't we have...
N EVER again should despicable attacks be made on heavy lorries using the roads. It must now be acknowledged without...
R EFERRING to your March 26 issue and Mr. T. J. Kyne's plea for more robust headboards. In May last year. Taskers introduced a...
NA . Ay . I. through your columns, appeal to coach operators IVA to refrain from using the term "air conditioned ", when in...
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Research and the Greater London Council AT the beginning of this month the Greater London County Council became the single...