Archbolds Refused Glasgow
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C and D Vehicles THE advantage of having collection and delivery vehicles on public A licence
was illustrated at Glasgow on Tuesday when Mr. D. K. Archbold, managing director of Archbolds (Freightage), Ltd., told the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, that because of hiring difficulties at their Glasgow base, vehicles from the Yorkshire and Metropolitan areas had been used to help out, The company were applying for a new licence for a vehicle of 21 tons with ormal user of general goods including iachinery, wool, cases, barrels, chemicals, mber and foodstuffs. Collection and elivery of goods to and from trunk chides within a radius of 50 miles."
Mr. Archbold added that their haulage cet was made up of 10 trunk vehicles, nd five on collection and delivery, wo in the Metropolitan area and one in se West Midlands. At present Glasgow -unk vehicles had to cover Edinburgh n the way in and many customers were uffering inconvenience. In 1959 their 31a1 sub-contracting exceeded £225,000.
Mr. A. Wilkinson, for the British ran sport Commission, submitted that lthough there was very full documentaon and evidence from three customers le conditions laid down by the 'ransport Tribunal in the Munro appeal prove a case for collection and delivery Aides had not been fulfilled.
No breakdown
The work was at present being done by Yorkshire-based local vehicle whose ormal user would allow it to be used 4ually well as a trunk vehicle and there ,as no breakdown of figures showing its ctivities. A grant could increase ,rchbolds' facilities for trunk work. ub-contracting in Glasgow had dropped -om approximately £1,900 in 1959 to 1.000 in 1960.
In reply, Mr. J. Law said that all the onditions laid down bY the Tribunal had een fully covered, and the drop in hiring ,as due to fewer vehicles being available.
Refusing the application, Mr. Quin said failed on three points. One: the uidence of inconvenience, damage or ilferage from customers was practically on-existent; two: Archbolds had in and a small vehicle which they were ble to switch to Glasgow; and three: ley had no vehicles based in the cottish area, WORE A.E.C.s FOR WELLINGTON VELLINGTON CITY CORPORA
FION have placed an order for 44 „EC. Reliance bus chassis as the final hase in their tram conversion pro-amme. A.E.C. Monocontrol gearboxes id air brakes will be fitted,
3RELIMINARY trading figures of Associated Commercial Vehicles, td., for the year to September 30, 1960, low that profit of the Group, subject audit before charging taxation, founts to £1,512.935, against £966,115 nthe previous year.