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S TATISTICS, it has been rightly said, can prove anything. Certainly, any two individuals will almost always arrive at...
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- me White T 0 have reached the age of 74 and still be in harness as general manager of a public transport undertaking is no...
Getting Ahead T HE shape of things to come. I quote Mr. H. Bottomley, general manager, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., in the...
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T HE Ministerof Transport this week published his proposals, first announced last month, to increase the size of public service...
Exaggeration R.H.A. Chief T HE extent of the danger and menace from diesel fumes has been grossly exaggerated, said Mr. J. B....
THERE should be at least one C1 licence representative on the traffic committee proposed for London's Covent Garden in The...
A NEW series of Clydesdale vertical engined passenger chassis has been introduced by Albion Motors, Ltd., to replace the...
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Pl. A WARNING was given by Mr. F. Williamson, North Western Licensing Authority, at Macclesfield on Monday, to Mr. J. McGregor,...
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MR. JOHN OLDHAM, chairman of Oldham and Son, Ltd., has recently returned from a seven-week tour of the companies - of the...
G RAMP1AN HOLDINGS, the Scottish %-. 1 investment company, have acquired the business of W. H. Malcolm, Ltd., road transport...
W E regret to record the deaths of MR. H. K. PioroN, MR. G. L. LEAFE, MRS. GWENDOLEN REEVE, and MR, G. L. HARDIE. Mr. Picton,...
VEHICLE production by Leyland V Motors, Ltd., has been stepped up by over 20 per cent, compared with last year, and the output...
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C and D Vehicles THE advantage of having collection and delivery vehicles on public A licence was illustrated at Glasgow on...
THE Highways Department of the Ministry of Transport move to their new offices at St. Christopher House, Southwark Street,...
A NEW type of automatic vehicle parking control was demonstrated in London on Tuesday. The system is the Parcoa, and is of...
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" F OR the railways I foresee a good future with increased and profitable traffic, but within a greatly reduced system. For...
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W HEN he presented his motion in the House of Lards on Problems of Transportation, Lord Morrison of Lambeth had some very kind,...
MR. S. W. NELSON, Western Licensing 0 ' 1 Authority, was in top gear at Bristol on Monday when he disposed of six applications...
specified Rawlings double sliding windows in all tenders for rolling stock. Aussie Albions: Over, £500,000-worth of orders...
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and Lose Another B itITISH Road Services should not be placed in a worse position than any private road haulier, Mr. G....
A VERY high-powered ma g nifyin g rA glass was necessary to discover a case of any description, said Mr. J. Booth at Manchester...
Air Cargo Facilities, Ltd. Cap. f1011. Subs,: J, E. Norton and C. J. A. Dixon. Kempson House. Camomile Street, London. E.C.3,...
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TN an attempt to make their fleet inter.' changeable, Alfred Bell (Newcastle), Ltd., applied at Manchester. last Friday for the...
the Li Traders Road Transport Association have circularized local authorities in the two counties suggesting that the T.R.T.A....
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A SCOTTISH haulage firm carrying meat to London found, with a rapidly growing return loads business, that London seemed,...
A BRISTOL firm of hauliers, Fitzgerald and Morgan, Ltd., were successful in their application to the Western Licensing...
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'TWO drivers of goods vehicles were fined last week at Wath, North Riding, for allowing.their vehicles to rest in such...
and the firm's traffic manager, Mr. L. Brown, were each fined f10 at Hexham last week after being convicted of allowing a...
A N extension is to be made to the Albion Motors' factory at Scotstoun, Glasgow. The work will cost £200,000 and the project...
TH E share capital of Brentwood Engineering Co., Ltd, has been acquired by Mr. Stanley Pigott who, earlier in the year,...
A N application by a Minibus operator for a licence to operate a series of excursions and tours from Skelton-inCleveland,...
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1)ecade Minor Modifications Have Maintained the Volkswagen Van's Place• in the Forefront of Current Light . Commercial...
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Dunedin System of Fuelinjection Testing Provides Fast Checks Without Unit Removal T HE testing of fuel-injection pumps and...
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Development • Novel Sparking-plug-sized Fuel Injector Under Development in Britain : Simplified Construction Reduces Size and...
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INTO 225,000 Reduction of Telephone Time and Cost is a Constant Problem of Britain's Busiest Chart-room—at Victoria Coach...
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Swedish Principle Incorporated in New Semi-trailer 1-1 . A RECENT addition to the fleet of Hall and Co., Ltd., Croydon, is an...
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Tests With a Dodge Tractor and a B.T.C. Four-in-line Semi-trailer THE growing use of articulated vehicles in Britain has...
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WITH the increase in insurance premiums, I have " received 'a Spate of letters from haulage contractors and P.S.V. operators...
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Political Commentary By JANUS vi ANY features of the road haulage industry are unusual, not to say unique. In particular, the...
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'THERE are eight major applications . this week in which conversion from contract A licence is sought, four to public A...
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Containers For FreeFlowing Material Now Available For Direct Fitment to Chassis IPECIAL1Z1NG previously in the manufacture of...
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I N this series on October 7 1 made a.comparison between the operating costs of a 5-ton oiler when averaging 400 miles per week...
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/ - 1 A FUEL injection -pump having a lubricating oil , pump inebrporated in the actuating link for a' diaphragm type of feed...