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Men In The News
MR. JOHN OLDHAM, chairman of Oldham and Son, Ltd., has recently returned from a seven-week tour of the companies - of the Oldham group in India and Australia. M, BERNARD CHABERT......
Renfrew Company Taken Over
G RAMP1AN HOLDINGS, the Scottish %-. 1 investment company, have acquired the business of W. H. Malcolm, Ltd., road transport and haulage contractors. operating in Renfrewshire.......
W E regret to record the deaths of MR. H. K. PioroN, MR. G. L. LEAFE, MRS. GWENDOLEN REEVE, and MR, G. L. HARDIE. Mr. Picton, who was 80, was formerls sole pronrietor of Picton......
Leyland Group Increases Production
VEHICLE production by Leyland V Motors, Ltd., has been stepped up by over 20 per cent, compared with last year, and the output by Albion Motors. Ltd., has increased by nearly......