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Police concerns leave future of charity truck convoy in doubt

16th June 2011, Page 8
16th June 2011
Page 8
Page 8, 16th June 2011 — Police concerns leave future of charity truck convoy in doubt
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THE ANNUAL East Coast Truckers (ECT) convoy, the lagship event for the truckers charity of the same name that raises money for disabled and disadvantaged children, is facing an uncertain future.

Norfolk Police has told the charity, which last year attracted more than 80 trucks and 30 different operators on its annual run from County Hall Norwich to the seafront at Great Yarmouth, that it had concerns over ECT’s ability to run the event safely.

The convoy will take place this year with police assistance, but ECT must decide the future of the event based on its compliance with safety guidelines.

ECT chairman, convoy director and owner operator Rob Bilman, tells CM: “We have been told it’s an improper use of police resources. With the convoy being the lagship event, this seriously jeopardises the

charity. Here we are, doing David Cameron’s Big Society, and it could all grind to a halt.” He still wants truckers to attend this year’s event on the August Bank Holiday and not “take their eye off the ball” .