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The First Ladies Of
transport CM quizzed four highly regarded women in the road transport industry to ask them how they became so successful Words: Laura Hailstone O ur women in transport focus......
Anne Preston
Title: Chairman, Prestons of Potto Career history: started working for the family business in 1965 out of her mother-in-law’s living room. Today Preston’s of Potto is a £20m+......
Hilary Devey
Title: Chairman and chief executive of Pall-Ex Career history: 20 years in various distribution and logistics roles, including stints at Littlewood’s, Tibbett & Britten, Scorpio......
Nikki King
Title: MD of Isuzu Truck (UK) Career history: aged 40, King took a job as administration manager at a Ford dealership and within seven years she became MD. She then joined Lex......
Gill Sheddick
Title: Founder of Sheddick Transport Career history: originally trained as a teacher, Sheddick became involved in the transport industry when she and her husband Roger set up......