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Lightweight suspension from York

16th September 1966
Page 103
Page 103, 16th September 1966 — Lightweight suspension from York
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A NEW design of suspension for semi-trailers ' will be introduced by York Technical Services Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show. Single-, tandemand three-axle layouts have been developed but a tandem-axle version will be shown.

The new suspension. named Harco, is a lightweight design available with either sixor seven-leaf springs. The springs have fixed front eyes and are slipper-ended at the rear and balance beams are used between the springs on the

tandemand three-axle designs.

Capacity of the suspension depends on t type of leaf spring specified but for a tande axle layout with seven-leaf springs the lo rating is 42.600 lb. (19 tons). This version weiE 668 lb. which is 172 lb. lighter than the Yc TA balance-beam-type leaf-spring suspensi which has a load rating of 44,800 lb. (20 toi and it is claimed that the new design is up 2 cwt. lighter than some other suspensions comparable design available.