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38-year-old George Hamlett is married with two young sons, Graham and Steven, and lives at Masten, near Manchester. On the road...
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a heavily laden vehicle. George to get a run at it but there's a low-loader ctly ahead crawling along at about 4 mph. Irge goes...
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gently rolling countryside. Extensive road works between Gretna and Kirtlebridge—steering the 38 ft-long Sixteen: Four through...
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T HE announcement this week by London Transport that a drastic reshaping of the pattern of bus services in London is to take...
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' RANSPORT Development Group Ltd has acquired the entire issued share capitals of Avid West and Son Ltd. and its associated...
TOM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ONTAINER traffic going into Germany is now costing more. Until about ur weeks ago, sea containers...
B ECAUSE of the printing arrangements involved in producing this greatly enlarged issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR, the News Digest...
A CHECK-LIST of 11 questions has been devised by the Traders Road Transport Association to enable the "vast majority of...
A. Manufacturing establishments 1. Is the establishment (see note 1) engaged wholly or partly in manufacturing, i.e. either:...
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A SURPRISE exhibit by ERF Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show will be a sixwheeler fitted with an Allison fullyautomatic gearbox...
A 30 M.P.H. bonus dispute between the Tra port and General Workers' Union and Ts Vale Transport Ltd. over the payment of a per...
N EXT Friday's issue of COMMERCIAL Moton will be the biggest number of the year, containing a lavishly illustrated,...
-IN a bid to stem ever-increasing transport costs, the TRTA has arranged a specially rated insurance scheme for members, on...
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w Charrold pneumatic-discharge system features a vibrator panel I hopper feed to the rotary seal HARROLD LTD., St. Peter's...
un our Political Correspondent -1E Transport and General Workers' Union, ed by Mr. Frank Cousins, will press its out opposition...
THE 1965 edition of "Highway Statistics" is now available from HM Stationery Office, price 10s. This has become established as...
and ' 1 ""' planning will be the subject of a two-day seminar at the Savoy Hotel, London, on October 25-26, organized by...
66 1 - t UR main opinion of vehicle sched uling by computers is that it is excellent, but that it is a pity to prepare so much...
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ITIHE Trade Union Congress last week, 1 at Blackpool, endorsed a resolution welcoming the proposals by the Minister of...
T WO O out of five major productivity referred to the National Board for Prices and Incomes have substantial implications for...
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V EN Robert McLindsay, haulage contractor of Lydiard, Millicent, Wiltshire, peared before the Western Licensing Authority...
'HE decision of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority on an application from 0. Wray d Co. Ltd., was made known this week. The...
T HE West Midland Traffic Commissioners have granted one-year licences to Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd. and six associated...
WITH a radius of 25 miles and two named " customers "we cannot make a decent living", Mr. L. J. Bradbury of Slough told the...
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W ITH all objections withdrawn by the date of the hearing. R. and C. Shelton, of Crayke, York, trading as Reliance Motor...
A N application for the renewal of seven A licences for the carriage of general goods within 35 miles was heard by Mr. D. I. R....
Y ORKSHIRE Traffic Commissioners last week turned down an application for authority to make stiff increases in Hull...
T HE right of an objector to cros examine an applicant was raised at ti Metropolitan traffic court last week. L. 1 Ebbs of...
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[R. L. A. WELLS, Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, had set aside three days from ;sday for the hearing of five applications...
, 1 spite of convictions by local magistrates, a firm had not applied for public service licences three buses, said Mr. J. A....
A N important meeting between the Mendip Tipper Operators' Committee and quarry managements is to be held at the Red Lion...
/THE Minister of Transport has turned down appeals by Swinards of Kent (Travel Service) Ltd. against refusals by the South...
The first of 10 of these new 42 cu. yd. bulk vehicles and six Load Lugger container vehicles have recently gone into service...
THE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by Wainfieet Motor Services Ltd., of Nuneaton, against a decision by the West...
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SCOTLAND (NORTH) APPLICATIONS (September 101966) John Fraser, Dunk , lane. New A lie. 2 veh. 110ftl. Timber for Timbuyers...
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R. Williams 38, has been appointed NorthEast area sales manager for Baden Trailers Ltd. A qualified engineer, and a member of...
THE large bulk liquid hauliers of Heckmond' wike, Yorks., Harold Wood and Sons Ltd., have appointed a safety and training...
A MEMORIAL service for H. Norman Letts, legal adviser to the Road Haulage Association for many years, will be held at 12 noon...
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ip Transport tackle anying! Carrying some 3,000 tons of consignants weekly they handle verything — atomic aterials, Dead Sea...
3M Transport Limited vel 5 million miles on Ily tyres every year. The 0 strong commercial et deals mainly with ily...
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A ‘1 experimental vehicle recently placed in service by Wolverhampton Corporation Transport is a Ford R226 frontentrance and...
F OUR one-man-operated double-decker buses got off the a good start in Brighton this week on what must surely be the first...
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LO N DO N 'Salva g e' campaign for Ulsterbus 3tandee and large-capacity single-deckers will replace fouble-deckers under...
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From a special correspondent T HE pay freeze may cause trouble in the joint working of certain areas in and around Hull by...
AN application has been submitted to the “. Northern Traffic Commissioners for a joint bus service to be run by Middlesbrough...
T the MPTA Conference this week delegates on Wednesday discussed Mr Quarmby's paper (see pages 118-9). Mr. L. I-1 Smith,...
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CONTROLLED ARTIC Dunlop demonstrate antiskid system applied to prevent jack-knifing EN a Jaguar car, equipped with a Dunlop...
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O N Monday Mr. Ray Gunter, Minister of Labour, laid before Parliament an Order constituting the Industrial Training Board for...
One of the most distinguished editors of COMMERCIAL Moron started with the journal as an editorial assistant in the technical...
AS forecast in COMMERCIAL MOTOR, January 21 1966, a Mercedes 0.302 coach is to be exhibited at the Commercial Motor Show. The...
A NEW design of suspension for semi-trailers ' will be introduced by York Technical Services Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show....
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'HE new six-mile long Darlaston-Shareshill section of the Birmingham Carlisle motorway 16) in Staffordshire was opened to...
)FFICIALLY presenting the emblem of the Queen's Award to Industry to the Perkins igines Group, Lord De Ramsey, Lord eutenant of...
r 0 complete this series on air brake equipment, it would make sense to iscuss certain of the main stoppages and dimes that can...
for Severn Bridge o Anergavenny TRANSPORT Minister Mrs. Barbara Castle, Under the new regulations, if a vehicle breaks down...
Part 26—Three-line Braking Fault Finding exhaust would confirm two things: an air leak indicating trouble at the relay piston...
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MO be marketed by Henri Picard and Frere Ltd., the Swiss Ligarex system of hose binding and jointing features the use of metal...
NEW 7-pin plug and socket built to conform with SMMT.107 requirements have been introduced by Hella Automobile Equipment Ltd....
A PORTABLE tyre inflator has been introduced by Applied Power Industries, Inc. (UK) Ltd. that has a built-in reservoir of...
T HE makers of the Handifax porta charting unit, Fonadek Intematio Ltd. claim that the chart solves most of problems of...
p ARTICULARLY suitable for use as portable instrument for checki noise levels by the roadside or in a depot pocket-size...
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F HERE are not many companies in the commercial vehicle business that can claim a history going back 75 years. Scaniaabis of...
)UT the big event for Scania-Vabis employees took place between Li the official business and the evening festivities. Every one...
WHEN 31-year-old John Cooper, Scottish director of Tartan VI' Arrow, marries Margaret Taylor at a church on the shores )1' Loch...
T RANSPORTWISE the doings of the European Economic Community confuse me. Take, for example, the transport section in its July...
TALKING of buses, what do you make of the picture of a 1 lower saloon published here? What takes your fancy: the...
T HE students like the job--and the money; and the company likes the students, and finds their help invaluable. What am I...
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V ETNAM, the wages freeze and other matters of national and international importance were given so much emphasis in the reports...
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It's the tough new forward control Land-Rover, in flat bed, fixed side or drop side versions. And it's designed to do jobs...
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r recent White Paper, "Transport Policy", would have a found effect upon the industry, said Aid. W. Alker, chairman if Bury...
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Vew warehouse designed for quick loading A NEW dispatch system using Lancashire rX flats for the fast turn round of delivery...
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By P. A. C. Brockingta AM !Med Improved stability the main operational feature of the 110 in. whee base model, which...
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A smoky exhaust means a dirty engine, heavy on fuel and maintenance. No Smoking should be every fleet owners aim in his own...
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T HE amount of interest that there is now in rear-engined passenger vehicles will be well illustrated at the Commercial Motor...
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E VEN though proposed changes to the Construction Use Regulations which will allow single-deck buses and coaches up to 12...
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Turbo-charged engines I WAS interested to read the report by Mr. Cater of his testing of the Scania-Vabis articulated tractor...
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`IF outstanding battery-electric interest J at Earls Court this year, a new Roundsin 1.5-ton electric truck will be shown by...
1 HE agreement concluded between Cargo Distributors (the main subsidiary in Australia of Transport Development Group) and...
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N EXT Friday, September 23 at 12 noon, Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister of Transport, will open the 1966 Commercial Motor Show at...
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rHREE-AXLES, steering bogies, load sensed braking and fabricated 1-beams nil be the main attractions for visitors nerested in...
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T HE number of ISO and freight containers to be displayed at Earls Court is relatively small compared with the number of...
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single-deckers BY DEREK MOSES V I S ITO RS to the Commercial Motor Show this year looking for radical departures from...
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r HE past two years have been a time of L consolidation for ambulance builders id, unless some enterprising organization wings...
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TN the article "To Vee or Not To Vee I published in the 1964 Show issue COMMERCIAL MOTOR it was observed the opening paragraph...
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goods or passengers as economically as possible at the appropriate level of service required. Unfortunately, right at the...
Following on the announcement of the National Freight Plan a reader enquires as to the distinction between the objects of...
In other words some deterioration is continuing throughout the vehicle's life even though it is demonstrably roadworthy and...
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"HE Isle of Man, supporting a population of 50,000 over its 227 square miles, is in a peculiarly vulnerable economic Isition....