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'remarkable Job' By Rural Bus Operator
W ITH all objections withdrawn by the date of the hearing. R. and C. Shelton, of Crayke, York, trading as Reliance Motor Services Ltd., were granted a licence at Helmsley last......
Missing: Four Vehicles
A N application for the renewal of seven A licences for the carriage of general goods within 35 miles was heard by Mr. D. I. R. Muir at the Metropolitan Licensing Court on......
Hull Fares Rise Bid Rejected
Y ORKSHIRE Traffic Commissioners last week turned down an application for authority to make stiff increases in Hull Corporation bus fares and also refused an alternative......
Right To Cross Examine Questioned
T HE right of an objector to cros examine an applicant was raised at ti Metropolitan traffic court last week. L. 1 Ebbs of London sought to vary its licence by removing named......