- Mr. S. Guy Asks
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Three Questions . ,
THREE questions were presented by Me: 1 Sidney Guy, 'chairman and managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd., to Mr. 'Attlee, at Wolverhampton, last week. He asked the Prime Minister to explain how it came to be that the profit of £80,000, which his company Made in 1929; was, after two years of Socialist Government, converted into a loss of E316,000, and why hundreds,of workers had to be dismissed or put ori short 'time, Under a National Goverrinient, with a ConservatiVe majority, :the losSes were again turned into profits and unemployment fell.
In the second question, Mr. Guy asked whether Mr. Attlee approved of a remark by the retiring Socialist Member of Parliament for the Wolverhampton diviiorf, that if Private employers, such as Mr , Guy, did not"Pull their, Weight in the struggle ahead, they sitotild be dealt With., and thaC the Guy-workers could. Produce buses without Mr. Guy's assistance. Thirdly, he Wanted to • know why loans. to municipalities for the purchase of buses urgently required had been
ALTHOUGH the Ministry of Transport and the Licensing Authority have yet to approve the fourth application, made last October, for .a revision in fares, Nottingham City Council last week recommended a further increase of fares. Additional revenue of approximately £148,000 a year is eipected from the latest proposed increase. Even so. the undertaking, it was estimated, would show a deficiency of £84,000 for the year 1950-51, and even more the following year.
In the new proposals the transport committee recommended that all ordinary singlelares be increased by id. and:that 1‘1;'stages; efitninated by the fourth revision be re introduced at a fare-pf d. ,.Children's arid workmen's fares would ,not be affected..
SPRING MEETING OF THE I.P.C. 'THE spring meeting of the Institute of A public Cleansing will be held at Whitley Bay on March 30 and 31. The Rex Hotel will be the probable venue. Mr. G. Holden, cleansing superintendent of Whitley Bay, will read a paper on mobile equipment and there will be visits' to controlled tipping sites and an open-cast mining site .• I.K.T.E. DINNER annual dinner-dance of the I Institute ,of Road Transport Engineers (North-western Centre) is to be held in. Liverpool ori:April 15. Tickets can 'beobtained from ..Mr. Charles A. ,M.I.R.T.E.„ 12,, Willey Road, Sale; near Kinchester. —
WELDING PAPER FOR A PAPER 'on 'os'y-acetylene welding, to;vehiele:' mainten
ance; will,' he,: read ,to 'the. Industrial Tran.O.Ort London Branch;
by :Goodchild, (in "Fehrtiary '21; 6.30 p.m. at the Royal Society of Arts, London, W.C2.