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• Y the time that Our next B issue is published one of the most important General Elections which this country has ever held...
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Natural Rubber Still NAUCH has been said con Holds the Pride of cerning the qualities of Place synthetic rubber, but it -...
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In patient answer to a " better , half No, dear, I said "Lockheed," , not " knock-kneed." That we may soon be buying some of...
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Output Increased by 261 Per Cent. and Exports by 75 Per Cent. in Three Years AST year, all records for the production and...
HOULD State-owned haulage concerns be denationalized in the event of a Conservative Government assuming power, no new entrants...
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A T a meeting, last week, at which shareholders of Red and White United Transport, Ltd. approved the sale of the group to the...
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A LLFGATIONS of " apathy " and t—l" indifference" against Pickfords, Ltd.. were made by Mr. C. Preece, of Charles A. Preece,...
WHEN, at Wakefield, last week, VV another operator submitted that Leeds Corporation was running special buses to Leeds United's...
L IAISON between the National Association of Furniture Wa rehonsemen and Removers and the Road Haulage Executive is under...
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Three Questions . , THREE questions were presented by Me: 1 Sidney Guy, 'chairman and managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd.,...
R EVENUE of British Road Services was last year £33,37'7,000. This figure is contained in Transport Statistics No. 13, issued...
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DRINCIPLES are clarified in the Appeal Tribunal's written decision on the appeal by the Railway Executive against the action...
R APID progress with the plans for 1 ‘the first British Motor Show in New York is. reported by the Society of Motor...
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T HE House of Lords last week gave judgment unanimously reversing a majority decision of the Court of Appeal in favour of the...
B ACKLOADING for independent hauliers running long-distance services under permits is becoming increasingly difficult as the...
A NY action, irrespective of by whom it was taken, to reduce the amount of coach travel, had been and would be opposed by the...
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Time Each Day By Alfred Woolf, B.A. P UNCTUALITY, as every operator knows, is a cardinal principle in the transport...
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THREE B.T.H. 30-MVA synchro nous condensers travelled by barge on the final stage of the journey from the B.T.H. Rugby works to...
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" 10WARDS the end of March, the Southern Rhodesian Railways will be taking delivery of two mobile workshops for use in...
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in the news MR. G. K. HowAno has joined the board of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. M. C. W. C. HINE has resigned his directorship...
QITUATED on the edge of the Inner L...) London ring road, between Baker Street and Edgware Road, a private coach park has...
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• NUMEROUS inquiries are being received by the " Roads Improvement Association as to what action can be taken to make the...
with this letter two drawings of bodies for vehicles of the 10-cwt. class, which may interest some of your readers, [These are...
L AST May I acquired a three-wheeled van, as the result of inserting a small advertisement in your journal. Having obtained a...
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letter from R. J. Ginn, M.B.E., " published in your issue dated January 27, I am surprised to observe the sweeping manner in...
\/ \ TOUR reference under "Passing Comments" in your 'OUR dated February 3, to the value of the " lostwax " method of casting...
says E. H. B. Palmer, 0.B.E., F.R.S.A. A S the Election approaches, there is uncertainty in the air. The barometer is unsteady,...
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Political Commentary By JAN US A C CORDING to a report in the Press, an official of the Road Haulage Executive has described as...
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By C. S. DU N BAR, Minst.T. 4 4 ERSEY, Guernsey, Alderney arid Sark " runs the schoolboy's jingle to help him recall the...
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A 1TRACTIVE styling and practical constructional features have been well blended in the latest version of the Norfolk...
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T HE chief engineer of David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield). Ltd.. Mr. F. J. Everest, M.Sc.. M.I.Mecti.E., A.M.I.E.E., gave a...
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Wheel Aligner A CHECK of front-wheel toe or toe-out in less than two minutes is passible with a new alignment gauge recently...
A PROTOTYPE of the Lloyd frontAt wheel-drive van, briefly described in "The Commercial Motor" dated December 9, 1949, has now...
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in Road • Transport A Symposium of Papers on This Valuable Material Organized by The Aluminium Development Association and...
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a Haulage Contract O NE effect of the Transport Act has been that many operators are endeavouring to arrange agreements with...
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WHETHER you are an ancillary user, a haulier, " a bus or coach operator, or a private-hire car owner, are you certain that your...
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S USPENSION. steering and driving arrangentents for front wheels are shown in patent No. 631,905, which comes from Duncan...