Prototype of New Light Van
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A PROTOTYPE of the Lloyd frontAt wheel-drive van, briefly described in "The Commercial Motor" dated December 9, 1949, has now been built and is being tested at Grimsby. Employing basically the chassis and components of the same car of the same make, it has
a two-cylindered two-stroke petrol engine of 654 c.c capacity, with a single charging cylinder which delivers a fuelair mixture to the crankcase.
The chassis is arranged with a single tubular-backbone member and all four wheels are independently suspended through enclosed coil springs and wishbones. The car-type coil springs at the rear have been replaced by. units of a heavier pattern to accommodate the 5-cwt. payload. Tyre equipment of 4.50 ins. by 17 ins, is fitted to all wheels. • A lightalloy body is provided, the prototype having a capacity of 60 cubic ft.
Modifications to subsequent models will include wider cab doors, full-width rear doors to the body and an increased clearance between the valence panels and the road.