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17th January 1936
Page 34
Page 34, 17th January 1936 — HIGHER TAXATION COMING?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Wakefield Watch Committee has given instructions for the Ministry of Transport to be approached with a view to ascertaining the opinion of the Minister on a suggested increased payment in respect of the licensing of mechanically propelled vehicles.

Inflammable Loads Not to be Covered.

A special committee of Aberdeen Town Council has withdrawn a clause in a Provisional Order compelling hauliers and others to cover with tarpaulin loads of hay and other inflammable material on its passage through the city streets.

Death of Barr Official.

Much regret has been caused in Bradford road-transport circles by the death ofMr. Robert Ray Winter, general manager of the Bradford branch of R. Barr (Leeds), Ltd., and of the Bradford section of the associated concern of Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd. Mr. Winter was 21' years of age.

Allan Taylor Tructor.

We are asked by the Allan Taylor Engineering and Manufacturing Co., Wandsworth, London, S.W.18, to point out that, in our recently published booklet of commercial-vehicle models and prices, this concern's product was wrongly included under the heading Trailers, it being the Tractor, a road tractor for hauling loads of up to 10 tons.