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Our Original Scheme to Utilize the Wasted Space Above the Railways Revived A N article appearing in the . current issue of The...
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Influence of URING the Christmas 1 -"period, traffic congestion in London drew renewed attention to the hold-ups caused by...
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Of brakes that are too easy to apply. That history has repeated itself in Brighton. That "Look ahead, go ahead, keep ahead,"...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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wHEN Mr. Thomas C. Gray, convy tractor, Letharn, applied to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, Mr. H. Riches, for the...
.A PPLICATION, was made by Mr. rAT. B. Jackman, assistant solicitor to West Riding County CounciL appearing on behalf of the...
T HE question of conduct arose before the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, when Mr. T. A. Dingley, greengrocer and...
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The probable effect of Government interference in the fixing of road-transport rates was mentioned by Mr. F. W. Halsall,...
THAT road-transport competition 1 had deprived the railway companies of 12,000 tons of fish traffic annually was stated at a...
O PPOSITION to the introduction of ‘.../Grade 1 wages in Yorkshire and to the continuance, in the permanent settlement, of...
LORD HURST OF WrrroN has accepted nomination as president of the Federation of British Industries for the next presidential...
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The production of Commer vehicles has outgrown the existing servicing facilities in London, and, accordingly, Commer Cars,...
South Shields Watch Committee is to purchase an ambulance at £450. Accrington Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply...
T ENDERS are invited by the following (latest dates given in parentheses):-Middlesex C.C., for tarred nag, tarred limestone,...
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Wakefield Watch Committee has given instructions for the Ministry of Transport to be approached with a view to ascertaining the...
A S stated in last week's issue, the Western Licensing Authority has issued, for the guidance of applicants for additional...
A S reported in last week's issue, Mr. J. R. Warburton's paper, read by Mr. S. J. Wright, before the Oxford Power Farming...
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Special Arrangements for S.T.R. Lecture at Nottingham. " Although the rules of the club strictly preclude representatives of...
A CTIO:N.1* might have to be taken if certain rumours regarding A.R.O. were repeated, said Mr. Roger W. Sewill, national...
of the first Yorkshire lecture tour by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, under the auspices of the C.M.U.A., were...
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H OPES that a merger of associations would ultimately be achieved were expressed by several speakers at a meeting of...
C OUNTRY-WIDE appreciation of the lectures on costing given . by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor consultant on transport...
'THAT the associations should amal gamate for the benefit of the industry in general was the resolution which was passed by the...
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C ONCRETE proposals for an immediatediate and complete amalgamation between the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association...
D OAD development and the reconstruction of weak .bridges were among the subjects dealt with by Sir Cyril Hurcomb, president of...
A CTION to make the NorthtAWestern Conciliation Board's employers' panel fully representatiye is urged by many Cheshire...
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Does Enston Decision Cover Established Concerns Which Commence Business in New Centres? D OES an established operator, who...
Goods Transport ? Mr. E. B. Lissenden, in Paper Read to I. of T., Foresees Government Interference in Road Haulage T HE...
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Significant Facts Brought to Light by the Latest Official Licensing Statistics I N November last the numbers of new goods and...
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: ACE OF BRITISH FARMING The Disastrous Effects on the Land of the Spasmodic War-time Efforts at Cultivation will be...
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puts up a first-class performance Exacting Route and Searching Tests Prove New Chassis to be a Fine Example of Modern High...
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A REPRINT of the article "Whither Road Transf1 port?" from the pen of Mr. Walter Gammons, which appeared in your issue of...
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STREET LIGHTING M ODERN road-traffic conditions demand attention to every improvement which will not only facilitate the,...
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Tekon T ekon Concern Acquires Recently Patented Gaspar Design for W hich Important Advantages are Claimed A N interesting...
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The Relation of Repair and Depreciation Cost to Economic Vehicle Life. How to Arrive at a Reliable Estimation of Replacement...
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How Tyre Costs are Kept as Low as 0.17d. per Mile and 630,000 Miles arOperateA for Each Tyre Failure in a Fleet of 23 Buses...
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" WHAT is the bus operator to do YV against abstraction of his traffic by fare-cutting on the railways? Mr. J. Lustgarten, as...
I T is anticipated that, at a meeting in Manchester, on January 22, final decisions will be made in connection with the...
A FURTHER plea that the policy pursued by London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., in restricting agency agreements should be checked, was...
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A N unusual feature in the attempts at a settlement of the strike of the 500 employees of the United Counties Omnibus Co.,...
I T is announced that Rothesay Tram ways Co., Ltd., took over, on Monday, the 29 buses of McKirdy and McMillan. Ltd., operating...
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TN the Court of Session, Edinburgh, 1 last week, Lord Wark heard a petition for interdict brought by W. Alexander and Sons,...
E MERGING, as he said, from his retirement, on Tuesday, to appear for the first—and possibly the last-time before the...
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WHAT purports to be the beginning VI' of a chain of booking offices is the reg istration of a new company under the style of...
EFFORTS To ESTABLISH CHANNEL ISLAND AIRPORT. I N Guernsey, preparations are being made to estimate the cost of buying the...
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Contract Haulage T HIS space in The Commercial Motor is, as everyone knows, particularly dedicated to the service of those who...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications That Are Obtainable From the Patent Office, Price Is. Each PATENT. No....