New Registrations in January.
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Aecording to a return recently -issued by the Ministry of Transport, the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920, during the month of January, 1933, was 20,877, this figure comparing with 21,804 in January, 1932. This year's total includes 4,234 goods vehicles and 171 hackney vehicles, the comparable returns for January of last year being 4,640 and 300 respectively.
The Latest Hoyt. Metal.
The Hoyt Metal Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., Putney, London, S.W.15, has recently placed on the market a high-grade, chill-cast, phosphor bronze in the form of tubes and solid bars suitable for machining into bearings, bushes, valve seatings, etc. It is called Hoyt No. 1 bronze.
The latest methods of chill-casting prevent segregation of the ingredients of the alloy and reduce grain size, as well as increasing both the elastic limit and ultimate crushing strength. The tensile strength of the new metal is about 22 tone per sq. in., and the Brinnel reading is between 100 and 120.
No EFS. Imports for First Time.
For the first time since the Irish Free State was established, no commercial vehicle was imported into the country during January last, compared with 130 vehicles, valued at 120,353, a year ago.
Extended Legal-defente Facilities.
The Southern Insurance Service, 15, Bedford Circus, Exeter, a concern of insurance brokers, announces that holders of motor policies issued by it are afforded Ices legal defence in any police-court proceedings. arising • out s:if an accident under the policy, or in any of the many offences which can be committed by a motorist. Every class of motor vehicle is included in the scheme.
Cheaper Air-travel Insurance.
Imperial Airways, Ltd., announces that arrangements have been completed with the British Aviation Insurance Co., Ltd„ and a group of underwriters at Lloyd'e which place passenger air insuranee en a nuteli cheaper basis. Rates work out as low as 1s. per £1,000 per day, whereas premiums used to be as high as 12s. per day. For a considerable time, air-transport-insurance rates for goods have been lower than for any form of surface transport, and now airtravel risks also are lower than for travel by other means.
Lanova Engine Tests.
In our issue dated February 24 we published details of a report issued by the Technical University of Munich concerning tests of a Lanova-type fourcylindered four-stroke oil engine. We are now informed by Lenora, A.G., of Munich, that the dimensions of the bore and itrolte of the engine furnished to as and given in our article were inaccurate. Actually, the bore is 4.72 ins. and the stroke 7.08 ins.
Cleansing Officials Visit Barrier Works.
' On the occasion of the quarterly meeting of the Institute of Public Cleansins, held at Huddersfield on March 9 and 10, the final day's proceedings con eluded with a visit of inspection to the works of Karrier Motors, Ltd. Upwards of 100 members and delegates took advantage of the opportunity for witnessing the processes associated with commercial-motor manufacture at this prominent maker's works.
In the demonstration department a fleet of 13 machines, including sweepers, refuse collectors, .tippers, etc., were available for examination, amongst those on view being vehicles to the order of the municipalities of Glasgow, Manchester, Nottingham, Dewsbury, Pontefract and Thirsk.
The party was received by Mr. H. W. Hattersley, a director of the company, and Mr. G. Stratton, manager of the company's municipal sales department. Amongst those present was the president of the Institute, Mr. J. C. Dawes, who was supported by Mr. T. B. Crooks, Mr. J. Terry and the honorary secretary, Mr. H. Arclern.
East Midlands Dinner.
The annual dinner of the East Midland Regional Area of the Road Haulage Association was held in Leicester on March 11. Mr. G. H. P. Dalgieish, chairman of the area committee, took the chair. Mr. A. Caporn (M.P. far West Nottingham), Aid. W. E. Wilford (Deputy Lord Mayor of Leicester), Mr. A. M. Lyons, KU., M.P., Mr. E. C. Marston (chairman of the BRA.), Mr. W. Donaldson Wright and others spoke.
• Personal Pars.
Having resigned from the post of Minister of Transport, Mr. P. J. Pybus has again been appointed a director of the Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd.
Amongst 21 names which have been added to the Birmingham list of magistrates, the name of Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., is included. Mr. O. C. Power, tvho is well known as the traffic manager of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., has also been appointed a justice of the Peace.
For tho position of general manager of the. passenger-transport undertaking at Southend, which has been Tendered vacant by the appointment of Mr. R. A. Fearnley as general manager of Coventry's organization, Southend Transport Committee has recently been considering a number of applications. It has recommended, for consideration at the Town Council meeting on March 21, the appointment of Mr. Benjamin England, who is at present general manager of St. Helene passenger-transport services.
Mr. H. C. Godsmark, the present deputy general manager of the municipal passenger-transport organization at Nottingham, has been appointed general manager of Huddersfield Corporation's undertaking in place of Mr. A. A. Blackburn, who is retiring. Mr. Godsmark has had experience with the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., the London County Council and the tramways department of the Manchester Corporation, and has seen four year's service at Nottingham.
Trade Interest in Bripal Film.
A number of London traders attended, at the invitation of Brown Bros„ Ltd., a showing of the Bripal film a few days ago. This -film depicts the manufacture and uses of Bripal products and was taken at the works of the British Paint and Lacquer Co:, Ltd., Cowley, Oxford.
The film has since been shown at the Southampton, •Cardiff and Bristol branches of Brown Bros., Lid., also at Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds, and is to be shown at Newcastle on March 28, Glasgow on March 30, Dendee on March 21, Aberdeen on April 3, and Edinburgh on April 5.
Trent Motor Traction Results.
The trading results of Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd.,show, after allowing £52,372 for depreciation, and writing off £9,143 from goodwill, a net profit of £25,366 for 1932, against £35,677 in the previous year. The final dividend of 6 per cent, on ordinary capitalonakes a total of 10 per cent. for the year, which shows no change, but whereas £5,000 was in 1931 carried to reserve, this year no further reserves are made. The amount carried forward is £19,295.
Diesel Users Meeting.
The Diesel Engine Users Association Is holding a meeting on Thursday, March 30, at 3 p.m., at Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, London' S.W.1, when Mr. Le Mesurier and Mr. R. Stangfield, A..M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A., will present a paper on " Fuel Characteristics in Relation to Pump and Sprayer Action."
An Analysis of Vehicle Breakdowns.
Every year the Royal Automobile Club issues an analysis of the causes of breakdowns in motor vehicles, and this year's figures, which have recently been issued, contain some interesting -^•. facts. The figures are compiled in conjunction with the operation of the R.A.C. get-you-home scheme and, for the past year, the analysis is based on 12,557 cases, covering all types of car.
Although it is shown that there is, from year to year, little variation under certain definite headings there are two noteworthy instances where there has been a decline in the past year. For instance, the percentage of breakdowns due to accidents (11.9) is the lowest recorded since the analysis was first compiled, whilst the number of breakdowns due to rear-axle shaft failures has fallen to 12.7 per tent., as corn
pared with 13.6 in 1931 and 14.2 in 1930. Another interesting feature is that the principal cause of roadside troubles continues to be ignition, which in the past year accounted for 20.4 per cent, of the number of cases dealt with.
Troubles with cylinders and pistons amounted to 9.9 per cent.
The Amal Bonnet Fastener.
In our description of the new bonnet clip made by .Amal, Ltd., Holford Works Perry Barr, Birmingham, Which appeared last week, the device was wrongly named. Its correct designation is the Amal bonnet fastener: Improved Hoffmann Trading.
The net profit of the Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., increased from 129,916 in 1931 to £50,438 in 1932. A dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares is recommended, compared with no dividend for the previous two years, and a balance of £49,926 is carried forward against £49,122. The floating assets of the company, which is controlled by Brown, Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., are placed at £602,025, and current liabilities at £99,024.
New Bradford M.T.A. Officers.
Mr. J. Stubbs, of Messrs. Stubbs Bros., Cullingworth Gate, near Bradford, has been elected chairman of the Bradford Motor Traders Association, in succession to Mr. E. Fearnley (Thornton Engineering Co., Ltd., Bradford), and Mr. J. Russell Rose (Central Garage, Ltd., Bradford) has been appointed vice-chairman.
Members of the Association have marked their appreciation of Mr. Rupert Lindley's 21 years' service as secretary by presenthig him with an electric chiming clock.
Iraq Pipe-line Progress.
In connection with the laying of the double oil-pipe line from the Kirkuk oilfields of the Iraq Petroleum Co., Ltd., to the Mediterranean, which was dealt with at length in our issue dated December 16, we understand that to date 553 miles of pipe have been strung (287 miles of single and 133 miles of double line). About 289 miles of the pipe (143 miles of single and 73 miles of double pipe) have been welded, the work extending from Kirkuk nearly to Haditha as well as eastward from Mafrac and Holm. The primer paiutiug, felt wrapping and bitumen covering of the pipe are proceeding. Some 615 miles of overhead telephone wire have been erected.
As anticipated, the lava country east of Mafrac is proving the most difficult obstacle to transport and in this area the Seammell six-wheelers are showing up favourably. Some stringing is now proceeding west of Mafrac.
Pump-station erection has not yet commenced but Worthington Simpson pumps have been ordered, and the Harland and Woolf, Sulzer and Werkspoor (Dutch) concerns have received orders for stationary Diesel engines.
The company's transport staff is, of course, complete and we understand that vacancies which arise are being lilkd on the spot.
Buyers of T.S.M. Vehicles.
Amongst important orders recently received by T.S. Motors, Ltd., Victoria Works, Maidstone, is one from the Southern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., Exeter, for 17 Express chassis, whilst Edward Sharp and Sons, Ltd., Maidstone, is buying seven 4-tonners, and the Ben fleet and District Motor Services, Ltd., four double-deckers.