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T HE motor manufacturers of no other country pay so much attention to the de. velopment of satisfactory and economical vehicles...
T HE enormous savings in expenditure effected year after year by the big railway companies are a matter of more than passing...
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A SHIPMENT of 30 tons of aeroplane dope for the Turkish Government was handled in one day recently by the fleet of lorries...
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That the public will pay for coach comfort. Of a daily paper which described the new " the only British 3-toianer," That it is...
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"The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all dculties of transport of whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness...
T "Conference of Motor Organizations, representing private, passenger and goods-carrying interests, recently sent a letter on...
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Aecording to a return recently - issued by the Ministry of Transport, the number of motor vehicles registered for the first...
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Thornycroft Refuse Collectors for Westminster. An order for three 13-cubic-yd. boxtype refuse collectors is nowbeing" executed...
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. Tramways manager of Liverpool Cor-poration since 1920, Mr. Percy Priestly, who returned from aholiday cruise at the beginning...
The parks committee of Hors, Corporation is to purchase a tractor and quintuple mower. Csnezeinvoe County Council is to buy a...
Wolverhampton Corporation is to extend the Wednesfield trolley-bus route. A toll of 1d. is being charged for three-wheeled...
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. Bethnal Green. IN this Congested borough house and trade refuse is collected biweekly, With daily collections from large...
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R UMOURS have been circulating that the British Road Federation would not, in future, take a very active part in representing...
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The Institute of Public Cleansing MITE first Association of Cleansing 1 Superintendents was founded in 1898, and in 1919 it...
F ORM:ED in 1897, the. Tramways and Light Railways * Association had as its objects the promotion of the construction, working...
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Interesting Statistics Reveal a Diminution of Tramways Operation and Increased Popularity of Motorbuses and Trolleybuses....
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result it may be anticipated that the Nelson and CoMe tramways will, in due course, be superseded by buses. Mr. Charles H....
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oitengined SIX-TONNER Following Success with Gardnerengined Vehicles for Maximum Legal Loads, Fodens, Ltd., Produces a...
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Complete Brake Layouts Incorporating Servo System Now Manufactured by the Clayton Dewandre Concern A S a result of having...
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Every Sphere in which Motor Appliances Can Be Em ployed is Adequately Covered B RITAIN is fortunate in possessing a large...
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Great Improvements Are to Be Found in Refuse Collectors, Fire-engines, Gully-emptiers, etc. Annison Bull, Otley, has developed...
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A SIMPLE form of control gear which is particularly suitable for trolley-buses. is marketed by J. G. Smithson and Co.; Nelson...
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T HE oil engine is gradually but surely gaining for itself a definite niche in the sphere of municipal passenger transport and...
I T was in September, 1931, that the transport department of BITRY Corporation purchased five Crossley standard oil-engined...
H OW oil-eng,ined buses have fared at ASIETON-ITIMER-LYNE is best told in the words of Mr. C. Irwin Baker, M.Inst.T., the...
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T HE transport department of Sr. HELENS Corporation operates three Crossley six-cylinder oil-engined doubledeckers, which have...
MWO Leyland oil-engined double...I_ deckers have been in operation at RAWTENSTALL since August last, and the vehicles have now...
A PART from the inevitable minor initial troubles that are alwayg associated with the introduction of a new type of vehicle in...
A LTHOUGH the transport department of PRESTON Corporation has had only a limited experience with one oil-engined bus, it has...
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DEVELOPMENT T HE remarkable growth of Dagenham, Essex, during the past few years, has created numerous problem in connection...
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TROLLEY-BUSES T HE trolley-bus is competing on favourable terms with the ordinary bug for use in those municipalities which...
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I N respect of municipal passenger services, a position presents itself at Preston which is well worthy of investigation by...
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T IIE annual dinner of the Institute of Transport was held at the Connaught Rooms, London, last Friday, some - 400 members and...
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MUNICIPAL Bus SERVICES Our Annual Statistical Compilation, Based Upon Official Returns, Giving Details of the Composition of...
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• (Left) Mr. Erie Morton Batehelar, municipal sales representative of 'the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., commenced his...
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at Wallasey A REMARKABLE circumstance in connection with Wallasey Corporation's refuse-collection service is that, in the past...
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T HE large borough of Croydon, although by no means without industries, is primarily a residential district. Covering an area...
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in a widespread area How 64,000 tons of Dry Refuse are Annually Collected and Disposed of in Stoke-on-Trent, the Centre of the...
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MITE increase in motor taxation, I which has been voted in the French budget, severely hits commercial transport. This, says...
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Full Technical Description of the Enginedriven Steel-slat Floor and All-metal Body Produced by a Well-known London Concern...
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OPERATORS ORGANIZING AGAINST RAIL FARE CUTS 'V PPM - ITS are being made by the ILI various associations to counteract the...
Stoke Withdraws from Hearing of Appeal Against Abolition of Coupon Fares frITIE withdrawal of Stoke-on-Trent .1Corporation...
Important Point Raised Before Metropolitan Commissioner A N important point of principle in connection with the granting of...
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THE railways now have no right to . object to road fares, having just cut their charges by 50 per cent. This statement was...
STRONG opposition to the application of the London Midland and Scottish Railway Co. to run an express service from Manchester...
RESTRICTIONS on the issue of bus contract tickets in Yorkshire are recommended to the Traffic Commissioners by the Yorkshire...
WE are informed that the General Travel Agency (London), Ltd., 53, Woburn Piece, W.C.1, has made arrangements to hold the...
COACH operators will play an important part in a scheme evolved by the Blackpool authorities to attract visitors during June....
SUGGESTIONS by the chief constable for dealing with the traffic problem of Peterborough include a proposal for the...
IT is reported that there is a probability of a bus, employing gas as fuel, being put into service by Leicester Corporation,
THE directors of P.S.V. Operators, Ltd., state that they will not be held responsible for payment to operators who accept from...
FROM April 9 to the end of May the London -Paris service of Imperial Airways, Ltd., will be increased to four flights each way...
IT is reported that 12 Cambridge under graduates propose to seek permission from the Eastern Traffic Commissioners to run bus...
A so= 1 -'' WE for the bulk buying of tyres and other goods required by members of Yorkshire Coach Oivners, Ltd., which...
ON Friday last, a reception was held at the Victoria Station of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., to celebrate the first...
AT the 28th ordinary general meeting of the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., Sir George E. Leon, chairman,...
p ROTECTION for certain of Lan caster Corporation's services has been granted by the North-Western Traffic Commissioners. In...
WE understand that the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., London Coach Owners...
FURTHER to the paragraph in our issue dated February 24, the special purposes committee of Derby Corporation has confirmed the...
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C HESTERFI EL D Corporation's transport committee has decided to apply to the Minister of Transport to borrow £8,000 in...
DURING nine mouths of the present financial year the receipts on Newport (Mon.) Corporation's buses and trams decreased by...
"THE time has come when we should adopt the attitude that things are not as had as they appear, " said Mr. Joseph Price, who...
ON April 1 Sir John Maxwell, chair man of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, is to meet representatives of North Riding...
A DECISION in connection with con ' tract work was reached, 'last week, by a meeting of bus operators held under the segis of...
SOME 350 persons attended the annual dinner of the Blackpool and District Motor Coach Owners Association held recently. Mr....
FOLLOWING certain criticisms of Cardiff Corporation's bus drivers, the transport manager has championed their cause, pointing...
LAST year a schedule of fares for private hire was agreed by all the operators in Barrow, Dalton and Ulverston, and accepted by...
CERTAIN persons in Newport are to be approached by the corporation in connection with suggestions that special tram and bus...
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P to the present only 13 towns in Great Britain have licensed municipal aerodromes, these being lsiackpool, Bristol, Cardiff,...
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M ANY hundreds of buses with Crossley compression-ignition engines are now in daily use in various towns and cities throughout...
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iN PARLIAMENT Salter Report. M R. MARRY suggested that before considering any action with regard to the Salter Report the...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4013] Sir,—We have carefully read Mr. J. A. Taylor's letter in your issue of February 24,...
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S EVERAL modifications have recently been made to the Croft threewheeler. The most important of these is the use of a J.A.P....
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Improvements in Several Industries. Valuable Building Contracts. Coal Trade Brighter. More Business in the Clothing Factories...
T ENDERS are invited for the follow1_ Mg (latest dates given in parentheses) :—Road materials, mechanical and horse haulage, by...
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The Pros and Cons of Contracting Out Municipal Haulage. The Usual Conditions of Tender and Some Guid ance in Quoting O N broad...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HE names of Leyland Motors, Ltd., and T. Naylor appear in patent No....