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WE are now able to supplement the late news published in last week's issue concerning the destiny of the Southern Traffic Area. 'It was then stated that the Order of the Minister abolishing the area would not be proceeded with.
The Minister has now inserted in the Road and Rail Traffic Bill, which passed into the Committee stage this week, a series of amendments to give effect to the objects of the Order.
It has been held that the Minister has acted illegally in making such an Order, and, as we stated on November a deputation of small operators in the Southern Area was received at the Ministry on Wednesday of last week.
On the Tuesday, a meeting was held and protests were voiced against the Minister's proposal. It was stated that Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., also opposed the abolition of the Southern Area. Mr. G. B. Stent, the convenor of the meeting, pointed out that the Southern Commissioners would find it impossible to deal with all applications for the renewal of licences by December 31 and the area was to be abolished on January 1. The Road Traffic Act stated that licences granted in one area could not apply to another, and no Order or regulation could override an Act of Parliament.
With regard to the suggestion that an economy in administration expenses would be effected by a reduction in the number of areas, Mr. Stent asserted that the Southern Area was already worked at a profit Considerale indignation has been caused by certain steps taken by the Minister in anticipation of the change, amongst which may be mentioned the removal of records of licence applications from the Southern Commissioners' offices and their distribution to the ether Commissioners to whom they would later be assigned.
Incidentally, the abolition of the area was freely referred to at the annual dinner of the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, which is reported on another page.
FOLLOWING the recent death of the Fairway managing director, Mr. P. H. R. Harris, we understand that Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., has acquired Fairway Coaches. Ltd., which operates a London-Worthing service, via Dorking and Horsham. The company's original title was Varsity Omnibus Co., Ltd., and until the summer of 1927 it operated a bus in London, afterwards sold to the• London Public Omnibus Co., Ltd. The coach undertaking was then started and the name changed in 1928.
AS suggested in a recent issue of The
Commercial Motor, United Automobile Services, Ltd., is to join the limited-stop pool operated by the Northern General, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire (W.D.) Electric Tramways, North Western Road Car and Lanettshire United companies on the Liver
pool-Newcastle road. It is making consequential modifications in its operation of shuttle services and the
late Leeds-Newcastle company's route. East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., is .reported to be on the point of joining the syndicate known as "Yorkshire Services," between various Yorkshire towns and Loudon, in which the other partners are East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., Yorkshire Traction Co., Ltd., Yorkshire (WD.) Electric Tramways, Ltd., and West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.
WE understand that important developments are implied by the recent increases in capital of two companies, the services of which are worked under agreement by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. Worcestershire Motor Transport Co., Ltd., the services of which have been maintained by the "Midland Red" since 1914, is increasing its capital from £25,000 to £200,000, whilst North Warwickshire Motor Omnibus and Traction Co., Ltd., is increasing its authorized capital from 110,000 to £100,000. The services around Tamworth have been worked by the "Midland Red " organization on its behalf since 1919.
THE transport committee of Man
chester Corporation has had a conference with representatives of Salford Transport Committee, arising out of an offer received from the Trafford Park Estates, Ltd., for Manchester Corporation to take over the tramways undertaking in Trafford Park, on certain terms.
It was proposed that an arrangement should be entered into between the corporations in the event of the Trafford Park undertaking being taken over by Manchester, whereby Salford should continue to operate its services into the Park. It was agreed that the corporation should pay the Estates Company £4,800 per annum for 10 years.
TEE Minister of Transport's decision
on the duplication of long-distance coaches was again referred to at a sitting of the Northern Traffic Commis4 sioners, last week.
United Automobile Services, Ltd., ..'!lajestie Saloon Coaches, Ltd., Orange Bros., Ltd., Charlton's Blue Safety Coaches, Ltd., and Phillipson's Motor Coaches, Ltd., objected to a proposal of the Commissioners to vary the conditions of their licences in respect of the London-Newcastle route. The Minister's decision on duplication dealt specifically with the London-Liverpool and London-Glasgow routes.
For Orange Bros., Ltd., it was submitted that 57 per cent, of the company's business consisted of period
return traffic. The Minister's decision made it essential for the company to specify certain dates on which passengers must return, and this would result in a loss of business. Booking agents' would be unable to guarantee seats or that any passenger would be carried.
Mr. A. T. Evans, for U.A.S. and the Majestic concern, stated that if duplication were limited, the companies would have to consider making applications to recommence services which they voluntarily suspended to meet the wishes of the Metropolitan Traffic Corn missioner.
A decision on the subject of duplication has also been given by the Metropolitan Commissioner in. respect of services on the London-Manchester route. When certain applications were heard recently, the railways contended that the circumstances were similar to those of the Liverpool and Glasgow routes.
The Commissioner did not vary the condition as to duplication in connection with the Blackpool thilfic, because this is of the holiday class. He has, however, decided to limit duplication on Manchester services, considering that the eireumstances are the same as on the Liverpool route. FARES INQUIRY REGARDING EAST COAST SERVICES.
FOLLOWING a report submitted by No. 6 Regional Fares Committee, the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner held an inquiry, last Tuesday, bite coach fares on services from London to East Anglia.
The Committee unanimously recommended that winter fares should con tinue in force until the third week in June, thus omitting Whitsuntide, because, it was stated, ia the early sum mer and September the East Coast was not so well patronized as the South Coast. It was also proposed that summer fares should cease at the end of August in respect of services to Felixstowe and places to the north of it. The London and North Eastern Railway Co. objected.
The Commissioner decided that summer fares should be effective from the Friday before the third Sunday in June until the second week in September, Whitsuntide not to be included. In the case of Yarmouth, Huustanton, etc., summer fares should cease at the end of August. Re also decided that children between the ages of three and 14 years should be charged at half the adult rate.
The fares schedules submitted represented a reduction of 10 per cent. on existing rates, to meet the extension of the "summer" rail fares. Mr. Gleeson Robinson remarked that the present coach fares were comparable with those in other areas. He did not think that East Coast traffic had declined more than in other areas. It was proposed to run day-return trips to Felixstowe, for example, for d. per " single" mile, He considered that some of the fares proposed constituted wasteful eompetition, but he undertook to consider carefully the proposed rate for each destination.
WE understand that the Weald of Kent Transport Co., founded by Captain C. E. E. Palm, in 1925, has come under control of Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd. 'As a result, the charts for the coach services to Rye and Tenterden from London are now held by London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., although the routes still continue to King's Cross Coach Station. Local services, mainly operated by Thornycroft one-man vehicles, include ,Hawkhurst-Rye, Ashford-Headcorn, Ashford-Tenterclen by two routes, and Ashford-Egerton ForstaL STATION FOR RIPON.
RIPON Corporation is recommended
by its watch committee to make an Order appointing the parking place as a station for public service vehicles, 4 seek of charges for the use of the accommodation is to be drawn up, and application is to be made to the Minister of Transport for confirmation of the Order.
WE learn that Messrs. Silcox and Sons, the Pembroke Dock garage proprietors, have now taken over the bus enterprise run for many years in Pembrokeshire by Mr. John Ford, of Pembroke, A couple of months ago, e. Commercial Motor announced )140
that, subject to the Commissioners' assent to the transfer of the licences, a tentative agreement for the acquisition of the services by Messrs. Silcox and Sons had been reached.
/IT their sitting in Birmingham, on November 30, the West Midland Traffic Commissioners will investigate alleged infringements of the conditions of three licences held by Mr. M. Moreton, Nuneaton.
RELYING on the Irish Free State
Road Transport Act, 1933, which gives it the necessary powers, the Great Northern Railway of Ireland is applying for the licences of H. M. S. Gatherwood, Ltd., in the Irish Free State, This would give the railway control of the Free' State -section of the BelfastDublin route and its twice-daily express extension to Cork, and enable the service to be interrupted in order to drive passengers back to the railway.
BLACKPOOL coach operators have obtained the support of the local council in their protest to the North Western Traffic Commissioners against the growing practice of outside owners running tours in connection with the illuminations.
THE Minister of Transport has made an Order revoking the Public Service Vehicles. (Transitory Provisions) (No. 2) Order, 1931, and copies will shortly he obtainable from H.M. Stationery Office.
BOURNEMOUTH Corporation has
informed the Ministry of Transport that it supports the action of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association in opposing the proposal to abolish the Southern Traffic Area, The latest news in this connection is given in another paragraph in this feature.
IT is stated that the Eastern National
-Omnibus Co., Ltd., is anxious to take over the workings of the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., on three joint routes, between Cambridge and Bedford, Cambridge and Hitehin, and Ipswich and Clacton.
LONDON Transpodt, which already operates a fleet of 105 A.E.C. oil-engined buses, has ordered an additional 100 machines of this type.
THE Yorkshire (Woollen District)
Electric Tramways; Ltd., has applied to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners for permission to take over the bus services between Halifax and Lower Edge, and between Halifax and Rastrick, hitherto operated by Messrs. E. J. Slater and Sons.
On November 15, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners changed their address to 44, The Headrow, Leeds, 1. YORKSHIRE OPERATORS TO NEGOTIATE WITH RAILWAYS.
REPRESENTATIVES of the London, Midland and Scottish, and London and North Eastern Railway Companies will to-day (Friday) meet members of Yorkshire Coach and Transport OwuersAtd. (until recently known as Yorkshire Motor Coach Owners, Ltd.), at Leeds, to discuss the relationship of railway and coach fares. The meeting is the result of overtures by the operators, who, as recently reported in The Commercial Motor, decided to approach the railways with a view to avoiding fare-cutting. The Association is prepared to provide a degree of protection for the railways on all classes of traffic in which its members are concerned, by fixing coach fares at a certain percentage-10 per rent. has been tentatively mentioned—above the rail fares. In return, the coach owners ask for stabilization of railway fares.
The operators will suggest that the "fares pact" shall operate experimentally for a year. If the negotiations which open to-day fail to produce such an agreement, the coach owners wilt ask the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to sanction a general reduction of fares to counteract fare comeseions given by the railways.
A COMPREHENSIVE address on the
Road Traffic Act was given by Mr. 0. C. Power, traffic manager of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., at a meeting of the Institute of Transport in Birmingham.
Mr. Power remarked that the Act provided security for operators who worked on a reasonable basis, but he felt that local authorities were sometimes allowed to interfere with transport too much from a parochial point of view. The Act had brought improved vehicles and more .efficient drivers, but the licensing system bad practically stifled development. The speaker felt strongly that a greater number of passengers should be allowed to stand in vehicles, at peak periods, than at present. He referred to attempts by certain Commissioners to coerce the public into giving up road travel and use the railways or other means. The considerable waste of time at Traffic Commissioners' sittings required urgent attention, he declared.
Mr. Power agreed that road-rail coordination was necessary, but said that this was hampered because the Commissioners were unable to bind both parties to an arrangement. lie suggested that the railways should abandon the present policy of extermination and endeavour to co-ordinate in the fullest sense of the word, otherwise transport might be nationalized.
THE Northern Traffic Commissioners have reserved their decision on au application by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., for the transfer of the licence of Mr. J. Maughan.
Mr. Maughan was a partner in a group of operators trading under the name of Diamond Bus Services, the nine other proprietors objecting to the transfer. It was stated that they wished to purchase Mr, Maughan's service, but could not accept his toms.