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T IIE crying need of the commercial-vehicle Industry, on both the manufacturing and operating sides, is for stability. For...
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UNDER the new legislation it appears that hauliers of sand and ballast will be at a disadvantage in judging whether legal axle...
Brief details are given of a new Westinghouse air brake utilizing very high pressure. 41' . Page 537. The proceedings at the...
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"Buy now, prices are bound to rise." That all eyes are on the House of Lords. Of Show models that were removed from Olympia...
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by all difficulties of Transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which It...
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Notifying Councils of Cancelled Licences. The local taxation committee of Warwick County Council points out that there is, at...
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Details of the Latest Westinghouse Brake for Road Vehicles, which has a Storage Pressure of 450 lb. per sq. in. and is of Light...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Road and Rail Bill. O o Monday the House of Lords, in Committee,...
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A New Design of Cylinder Head that Enables Cheaper Fuel to be Used A MONGST the many systems for adapting petrol engines to...
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ROADS and TRANSPORT EXHIBITION Salient Features Revealed by a Stand-to-stand Inspection of the Vehicles and Appliances at an...
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?VIM half-yearly meeting of the Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades Association was held at Olympia, London, on 'November 9, Mr: F....
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GlasgowBelfast Twice Daily During Winter. Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd., Renfrew, has published new winter timetables...
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is used in many industries for the transport of goods in bales, cases, barrels and other containers. A large number is employed...
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IL ENGINE IS BEING Di VELOPED A Survey of the Position in the Light of Exhibit. the Commercial Motor Show and the Public IV(...
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T HE value of commercial 'vehicles, ears, -chassis and accessories imported during the month of October, 1933, was £190,824,...
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The _Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOIL [4190] Sir,—We should like heartily to congratulate you upon the comprehensive list of...
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Bright Speeches a Feature of the Event MHERE was a large attendance at 1 the annual dinner of the Motor Hirers and Coach...
Echo of South-Eastern and Metropolitan Fares Inquiry MBE Metropolitan and Sotth-East1 ern Traffic Commissioners have now...
Second Report of Committee Now Issued T IIE second report and recommendations of No. 5 (Northern) Regional. Committee on Fares...
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501 THERN AREA TO BE ABOLISHED BY ACT. WE are now able to supplement the late news published in last week's issue concerning...
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Conferences at Olympia A Résumé of the Proceedings at Meetings Held Undor the Aus,Wces of Important Associations During the...
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T FIE Road and Rail Traffic Bill was the main topic of discussion at the autumnal conference of the Furniture Warehousemen and...
A CONFERENCE between store transport experts and manufacturers of commercial vehicles was held at Olympia on November 10, when...
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Bright Reports from Many Centres. Iron and St eel Improvement. Hosiery Business Good. Big Building Contracts A DISTINCT...
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HAULIER and CARRIER 0 NE of the most difficult problems facing all of us who deprecate and try to abate the practice of...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications T ° prevent excess oil from reaching the combustion chamber is the object...