TGWU ignoring crisis claim
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A SENIOR Road Haulage Association officer last week accused th, Transport and General Workers Union of "blatantly ignoring th, situation in which the industry finds itself" by seeking wha amounts to a 50 per cent increase in pay.
RHA secretary Eric Russell told the Association's Scottish members that many haulage companies have reduced their fleets, and many are fighting for their lives. Work is hard to come by, he said, and added that companies are finding it difficult to employ all their drivers.
Mr Russell went on to say: "The unions with which we deal are oblivious to the difficulties of the industry generally and to the particular difficulties •of the industry in which their members work." In his view the unions acted as if there is no crisis at all.
A decision will have to be made whether employees want
an increase in wages that woul, drastically reduce the number c jobs and, in many cases, caus work to stop altogether.
The RHA secretary added "Trade union leaders who clin! to the idea that there is, and wi be forever, a proscriptive right ti an annual wage increase what ever the state of the mai haulage industry, cannot be re garded as having a sensible atti tude by hauliers."
As a direct result of the pre sent economic crisis, the RH) has suffered a big loss in mem bership, many operators havini ceased to trade, and therefon are incurring big losses ii revenue.
Mr Russell continued: "Thi production of goods declines it response to the fall in demanr for them, but the reduction is no immediate."
The West Midlands Joint In dustrial Council met last week and discussed the TGWU's clain for an unspecified increase ir basic pay, and such fringe in creases as a £12.50 subsistencr allowance.
RHA West Midlands secretar) Bob Ward told CM that he hat had an unprecedented responst from members to a circulai seeking their comments on thr coming wage round, and adder that the area industrial relation: committee would be meetinc shortly to discuss its policy.
Meanwhile, the Scottish JIC it meeting on October 28.