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17th October 1981, Page 5
17th October 1981
Page 5
Page 5, 17th October 1981

Penalty Reduced

I APPEAL at the Transport Tribunal in London was partly upheld, rmitting the previous fleet cut-back of six vehicles for three mths to be reduced to three vehicles for three......

Training Boost

E MANPOWER Services Corn;ion has received an addinal £20 million from the Goviment for its apprentice 'port measures. This is in resIse to evidence of a continI decline in......

Top Lobs Vacant

DESPITE UNEMPLOYMENT there is still a shortage of qualified people for senior management posts. This is reported by Motorindustry recruitment specialists Alpin Phillimore and......

Appeal Dismissed

THE TRANSPORT tribunal i London turned down an appe for the second time last week. I this case William North Curti an operator whose vehicl maintenance was not up t standard,......

Belfast Roac

A £1.2m CONTRACT has beer signed for a new road network tc distribute motorway traffic it Belfast. The dual-carriageway three lane road will run along Docl Street, under a......