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'vendetta' Claim . . .
Al OPERATOR seeking to attack the integrity of vehicle examiners rust produce better evidence than his own unsupported word, the astern Deputy LA, Charles Arnold-Baker, told a......
40-hr Week?
10USANDS of new jobs could created if a strict 40-hour eek for drivers of goods 'hides could be enforced, say ocialist members of the rropean Parliament. They based their......
Case Adjourned Again
A COURT case involving a transport operator from Welling, Ker was reluctantly adjourned by Bexley magistrates last week after tl accused, Alan Brooks, failed to appear in court.......
Danger Cargoes
SEALINK'S latest ferry, the David, has facilities for shippi dangerous goods requiring c deck stowage; the vessel ru between Holyhead and Di Laoghaire. For further inforrr tion......