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REPRESENTATIVES of the manu.facturers recently met members of the Joint Conference of Road Transport Organizations, the subject of the difficulties of the post-war operation of vehicles being discussed at length.
It was agreed that the Commercial Vehicle Committee of the S.M.M.T. would prefer not to form a joint liaisoncommittee with the operators, but would be prepared to receive a deputation from the latter whenever there were matters of common interest to be discussed, when, no doubt, the operators would also be ready to consider any points which the manufacturers might wish to place before them.
THE memorandum and articles of association of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, as prepared by the solicitor to the. instructions of the drafting committee, are now in print. and were submitted, last Wednesday, for the approval of the formation committee of the Institute, a meeting of which was held at the Royal Automobile Club.
This committee was also asked to authorize the submission of these documents to the Board of Trade. Immediately the Board's approval has been obtained, application forms will be prepared, printed and issued.
RECOVERY FUND URGED FOR THE MOTOR TRADE I N a. memorandum accompanying the
report of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd:. which is referred to elsewhere on this page, Mr. E. L. Payton, the chairman of the company, urges the creation of a recovery fund for the industry.
The proposal is that an annual provision for such a fund should be made at once. as it is stressed that the " postwar credit " of 20 per cent., less income tax, of E.P.T. paid will be wholly inadequate to facilitate the transition to a peace-time programme. It is suggested that the annual provision be by an issue of non-interestbearing Government bonds redeemable at par within a specified .periodafter the termination of the war, and that the bonds for each company be issued in the names of trustees.
IT is with much regret that we record the death of Mr. W. E. Brown, at the age of seventy-six yea:rs. He was a director of Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., and had been associated with the coach building industry since 1888. He was an original partner in the firm ot Messrs. Brown, Hughes and Strachan (now Strachans' Successors. Ltd.). and joined the Duple concern in 1927, taking an active part in the sales organization. He enjoyed much popularity in the motor trade,particularly
on " the passenger-transport side, amongst which he numbered a large circle of friends.
RECENTLY issued by the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Askham Bryan, York, is an invaluable little booklet entitled " Tractor Ploughing." It deals concisely and lucidly with a subject which is often not so well understood as it might be, even by those who get their living from the soil. The information given is constructive in character and is supported by clear diagrams and excellent photographic reproductions. It covers the subject in a comprehensive ,manner, and apart from various aspects of the actual work of tractor ploughing, includes some useful advice on overhaul and maintenance to ensure that the equipment is kept in a state of efficiency. The price of the booklet is 9d., .postage being extra.