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0 NE of the most commendable points referred to in its report, " Roads and Road Transport," by the British Road Federation, is,...
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Keep Your Shops rIRES not resulting from Clean and Thus Avoid hostile -attack a re still Fires responsible for losses to indus...
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S.M.M.T. and I.R.T.E. R EFERENCE to the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers is made in the Monthly Progress Report...
R EPRESENTATIVES of the manu.facturers recently met members of the Joint Conference of Road Transport Organizations, the...
T HE Commercial Vehicle Committee of the S.M.M.T. has discussed the question of appropriate tyre equipment for surplus W.D....
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A REPORT has been issued on the working of the transport department of Stockton-on-Tees Corporation. Drawn up by the borough,...
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I N April of last year I wrote a couple of articles in this series dealing with bonus schemes and, besides setting out the...
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Few People Can Claim to Have Had Such a Long Experience With Oilengined Vehicles as has the Author of This Article. Therefore...
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Commentary on the Nuffield College Report on Industry and Science (Nuffield College: Problems of Scientific and Industrial...
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the Editor for his remarks in answer v Lto my recent expression of hope that the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers...
fleas, Upon their backs to bite 'ern, Little fleas have lesser fleas, And so ad infinitum. O N reading S.T.R.'s excellent and...
I AGREE with S.T.R. that group buying is fundamentally wrong. The important fact is that a national organization for stocking...
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T HE article concerning the post-war importance of goods and passenger vehicles, by Mr. James Courtney, M.I.A.E., published in...
WHILST there has been some controversy about the WY disposal of surplus Army equipment and materials generally, I have not,...
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Drivers in the R.A.S.C. Lead a Strenuous Life and on Occasions are Called Upon to Man the Guns S 0 far in this war little...
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DATENT No. 562,072 refers to 1 hydraulic braking systems which also employ alternative mechanical operating means for use as a...