Record Entry at Slough
Page 52

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MARRED by driving rain before lunch and high winds during the afternoon, the Slough round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, last Sunday, was nevertheless enjoyable. Efficient organization enabled a record entry of 113 vehicles to complete the tests between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Heavy penalties were incurred in the road section. Average deductions were about 65 marks. The lowest—AM—was achieved by H. Tibble (Ford, Coopers Mechanical Joints, Ltd.), who ultimately won his class and was champion of the day. Only one competitor was without penalty on the Highway Code questionnaire.
It was noticeable in the three manceuvrability tests that, although there was no time limit for the competition—times
were recorded solely for deciding ties— three of the four class winners with under, 100 marksdeducted, Tibble, K. Clutterbuck (Bedford, Rockware Glass, Ltd.) and C. A. Daines (Austin, Fred Myers, Ltd.), completed their tests in fast times. flames particularly drove his Austin 5-tonner rather like a sportscar. The
• other driver who forfeited under 100 marks was J. Threshie (Scammell, Crow Carrying Co., Ltd.), whose performance with his articulated tanker was most impressive.
. The first test—kerbside parking—was the occasion for agility by drivers to obtain the maximum rearward vision. J. H. Brazier (Scammell, Guinness Transport, .Ltd.), occasionally completely vacated the controls, walking about his cab rather as a captain on the quarterdeck.
The second of the two nationally prescribed tests required drivers to estimate the minimum widths through which their vehicles could pass. Two sets of pylons were used in staggered formation and as the distance between them was the same for all classes, the smaller vehicles were favoured.
However, the heavy-vehicle drivers more than held their own. J. Webb
• (Foden, Pease Transport, Ltd.) was sure and fast on this and the final test, which involved driving into a garage, reversing out and round pylons in an S movement (which was very tight for the larger vehicles), ending by backing to within 3 in. of a loading bay. The S movement
caused some difficulty for a number of the articulated vehicles, almost producing the theoretical ever-decreasing circle from some entrants. Here, agai n, Clutterbuck put up an impeccable performance.
Two trophies were given for vehicle maintenance. One was awarded to J. H. Hammond (A.E.C., Express Dairy Co., Ltd.) for the best C-licence vehicle and one to. G. Cobb (Scammell, Crow Carrying Co., Ltd.), both of whom also came second in their class. The Scammell particularly was highly polished with glass panels incorporated in the engine covers to allow full inspection of the burnished engine.
" A further award was given for the driver who lost fewest marks on the road section_ This prize also went to H. Tibble.
RESULTS (Marks lost out of 500) Class A (ma to 13 It.) 1.—.T. H. Tiller (Eatsress Drury Co.. Ltd,), Morris, .1.32,4„ 2.--W. Edwards (owner-driver), Austin,
1551/2. Horsgood (1. B.. Caumbd11, LW.), Morris, 176.
Class B 05-19 IL)
Wriabt (Lamm= and Trinidad Co., LuL.), Bedford, 1741/2. 2.—R. V. Noakes Wall and Co., Ltd.), Bedford, 1651k. 3.—F. Gould (Lamer and Trinidad Co., Ltd.), A.E.C., 204,
Class C (1942 ft.) L—C. A. D-aincs (Fred Myers, .Ltd.). Austin, 991/2. 2.-1. Bandy (Aspro.NichnIas, Lid.), Austin, 1271/2. T. Chalk (S.P.13., Ltd.), Ford, 1331/2. Class D (22-25 (t.) 1.—H..Tibble (Coopers Mechanical Joints, Ltd.). Ford, 91. 2.—E. J. Harris (S.P.1),, Ltd.), Ford: 1041/2. 3.—E. C. Moye (S.P.D,, Ltd.), Ford, 1191/2. Class E (aver 25 ft.) 1.—J. Webb (Pease Transport, Ltd.), FOCICTI, 1161/2. 2.—J. .H. Hammond (Express Dairy Co., Ltd.), A.E.C., D6. 3.—R. J. Cox (Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd.), 'Leyland, 1191/2.
Clast F (1), Articulated Semi-trailers under 22 ft. l.—W. Painter (Express Dairy' Co., Ltd,), Bedford, 210, 2.—S. J. Hargis (Pease Transport, Ltd.), Redford, 233 • Class F (2), Articulated Semi-trailers, 22-27 ft.
1.—K. Outterbuck (Rockware Glass Ltd.), Bedford, 96,14. 2.—G. Robeson (Evan Cooks Depositories, Ltd.), Commer, 2381/2.
Class G, Articulated, Tractors Over 3 tons, Semi-trallers 27-30 1.—T. Threshie (Crow Carrying Co., Ltd.), Scanunell., 931/2, 2.—G. Cobb (Crow Carrying Co., Ltd.), Scammell, 116, 3.—T. Mitchell ;British Light Steel Pressings, td.), Comma, 1201/2.
Class 1 (Service Drivers) 1.—SAC. Manley (R.A.F., Medrnenham), Bedford, 1931/2.