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N 0 better proof of the remarkable versatility of the commercial motor vehicle and allied products, including . road tractors...
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"COR a long period the threats issued by the Socialist Opposition and members of their party as to the extensive nature of...
The Constable was not Obstructed A CASE of considerable interest to drivers of motor fk vehicles was heard recently at...
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That 13ritain is at last awakening to the value of good overseas publicity. That we must, however, make up a lot of leeway...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT 'THERE is clear evidence of a new determination by Licensing Authorities to reinforce penalties...
T HE eqterprise of Bristol Co-operative Society, Ltd., who wanted to boost sales of men's clothing by offering free coach seats...
20 years, Leyland Motors, Ltd., plan to re-enter the fire-engine market in the near future. The company stated this week that...
'THE Dudley depot of British Road Services is to close, and staff and vehicles are to be distributed among four other West...
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T OURS to Eire ought to .become a common facility , for all extended tour operators, the North WeStern. Traffic Comrnissiohers...
strike of provincial bus workers was described by Mr. R. P. Beddow, chairman a . Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd.,...
T O meet a drop in passenger loadings and to reduce e operating costs; London Transport are to revise many of their country...
PA A SHIELD, gold medal and citation will be awarded each year by the Worshipful Corimany of Carmen for the 'most notable ....
. 1 a travel service tp its other facilities. Offices at 66 Haymarket, London, S.W.I, will be fully equipped to handle all...
MINE road operators joined British 1 . 4 Railways in objecting at Sheffield, last week, to an, application by George Robert...
resumption of the talks concerning the provincial bus company .workers' pay claim. Negotiations were adjourned again on Monday,...
F LASHING indicators are now avail ' able for all Bedford trucks. The accessories comprise two amber front lamps, mounted on...
T HE manager of Stratford-upon-Avon Blue Motors, Ltd., Mr. Walter Agg, died on Tuesday at his Stratford home after a short...
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T HE new expreSs service from De r by to Nottingham, introduced by 'Barton Transport, Ltd., and the Trent Motor Traction Co.,...
THEIR intention to close garages at I. Old Kent Road, Putney Bridge and Clapham in the autumn has been announced by London...
A N extension of co-operation between the Road Haulage Association and the National Coal Board was forecast by Mr. R. N....
. 1-1 . A NEW office and base at Henry Square, Ashton under Lyne, was opened this week by Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., Consett, Co....
O N the ground that Scottish transport is at present unco-ordinated, the Convention of Royal Burghs of Scotland is to ask the...
MR. D. G. REDING/UM has been appointed sales personnel manager of Remington Rand, Ltd. He has been with the company since...
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COMPETITION between millers and manufacturers of .animal feeding stuffs has led to the " feather-bedding " of North Wales...
T HIRTY-FIVE makes of commercialvehicle chassis will be seen at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court, London, which opens...
B ECAUSE of increasing road haulage competition, East African Railways and Harbours claim that in the past 12 months they have...
A GREEMENT with the British Transport Commission to withdraw their objection failed to secure the grant of a new B licence for...
. 1-1 . A SCHEME for a coach passenger reception station 100 yards from Scarborough seafront is to be considered by the• town...
T HE compulsory testing of commercial vehicles of up to 30 cwt. and cars and motorcycles 10 or more years old is likely to be...
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A N independent tribunal which has inquired into the strike of drivers and conductors employed by Trimdon Motor Services,. Co....
F OR their tram replacement 'scheme, Glasgow Corporation have ordered 100 .. Leyland Titan P02.24 doubledeckers. similar to the...
A BOUT 12,000 people using Leicester Corporation bUses last year were found to be riding in excess of the distance paid for....
rA A STATEMENT issued by Coventry Transport Committee on Monday, said the policy of employing local labour would be...
N increasing number of road authori ties, both in the United Kingdom and overseas, are choosing rubber in their construction...
T HE report and accounts for 1957 of the British Transport Commission were due to be debated yesterday in the House of Commons.
A LTHOUGH . • Wigan Corporation 1 -- k buses carried about 5m. fewer passengers during the past year than in the previous 12...
'S ENTENCE of 30 days' imprisonment P-Jwas p ' assed on Leo Heenigan, a haulier, of Barlby, Yorks, at . Dumfries Sheriffs'...
A N appeal by J. and D. • Craik, hauliers, Scone, Perthshire, was partly successful at Edinburgh last week, They asked the...
I. policy is being considered by the Government of India. An Inter-State Road Transport Commission may be established to...
D URING the next six months, vehicle repair work now done at the Kingswood depot 'of Bristol Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., will be...
Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., will enable an additional 20 vehicles to be accommodated. The depot fleet of 42 buses will now be...
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D ESIGNED by Volvo in collaboration with the Swedish Army, a new tight vehicle features four-wheel-drive and forward control. ....
ams • C..• S.P.D. Expansion; S.P.D., Ltd:, are planning to erect a new depot at Simondside Industrial Estate, North Shields ....
A HTERfigures . had been queried by the ris objectors, an application by Mr. W. Evans, Dolgelley (Merioneth), was last week ad...
A COMPLETE ban on loading and unloading of vehicles in 15 busy Nottingham streets will be imposed as an experiment at the end...
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A N application by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., Leeds, was heard this week by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners. The company...
W E regret to record the deaths of MR. ARTHUR SMITH, MR. WALTER VICKERS ANDREW, MR. J. C. WHINERAY, MR. W. S. HARRIS and MR....
au age, Say N. ales Objectors A PART from at peak periods, North Wales has a surfeit of livestock transport, and for.nine...
Ipswich Corporation are recommended to buy an Austin 5-cwt. van from Botwoods, Ltd. Wallasey Water Committee are to buy a...
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T HEquestion of rates was a pertinent factor in the hire of low-loaders, Mr. Pritchard Jones told the North Western Deputy...
A LL streets in the City Hall area of Belfast will be restricted to one-way traffic from midnight on Saturday. This scheme,...
Ltd., has been changed to Triplex Holdings, Ltd. The new company will control the investments in its six subsidiaries. The...
L'OR the , first time in its history, I Leicester Transport Department is free of debt. Accounts for the past year show a...
Street, Dundee, which was formerly used by W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., has been disposed of by the company. They arc now...
T HE business carried on at Romford Road, Forest Gate, London. E.7. under the name of Elm Service Station. Ltd., has been...
A FTER making a " silent " check on a vehicle operated by Chelmsford and Colchester Packers, Ltd., Colchester, Ministry of...
Transport's I garage at Leyton is being improved by the building of a two-storey operating and canteen block and a new, main...
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A FULL decision on the appeals and cross-appeals involving the British Transport Commission and Mr. Sam Anderson, Newhouse,...
A PLEA by British Railways that traffic .1 - 1. obtained by irregular activities should not be accepted as justifying the...
WORK is to start shortly on the VI' widening of Rainham Road, Dagenham, between Ballards Road and Dagenham East station, a...
A BUS proprietor, William Henry Hull, Wragby (Lines), who displayed a Road Fund licence for a private car on a bus he was...
QUBSIDIES from public funds to L) maintain transport services cannot be justified, the Northern Ireland Senate were told last...
by Corruner Cars, Ltd. It has a wheelbase of 14 ft., 1 in., and is available with Commer 91 b.h.p. petrol engine or Perkins R6...
A S part of a new drive to urge the necessity of developing .a modern road system in the United Kingdom, the Roads Campaign...
in October, 1959, is to have four service areas on land acquired by the Minister. of Transport. A fifth area is also planned...
P LANS for Widening a section of York Road, Leeds, to remove a dangerous bottleneck, are to be submitted to the Ministry of...
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THE Industrial Court have rejected an 1 appeal by Mr. R. C. Jones. a former employee of Burgess Webb and Squire, Ltd., Bristol,...
A NX1OUS to find some method of .1"V dealing with the growing volume of traffic using the Mersey Tunnel, the Mersey Tunnel...
A STUDY of "accident proneness" in bus drivers is being made by Dr. James A. Smiley, a specialist in industrial medicine and...
A S1NGLE-STAGE Bedford-Eagle tower wagon will be exhibited by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at the conference of the Association of...
F OLLOWING the death of Mr. E. E. 1 Davies, Corwen, the holder of a twovehicle B licence, his widow continued to run the...
A GRANT of four B-licence vehicles made to a Glasgow haulier by the Scottish Licensing Authority was reduced last week by the...
quite entitled 1 to put their cases in writing if they do not wish to incur the expense of being represented at the hearing,...
G.P.O. in Nottingham will be able to travel at normal single fare on late night " paddy" buses in the city if the East Midland...
Q N June 18, 108 schemes to improve dangerous or inadequate road conditions. each costing under £100,000, were in progress on...
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W ITH only 18 penalty points, -I. Efford (Southern Electricity Board, No. 3 (Portsmouth) Subarea), in an Austin, was champion...
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C OMPETING in a Lorry Driver of the Year contest for the first time, W. S. Smart, of Amey's Transport, Ltd., Oxford, won the...
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M ARRED by driving rain before lunch and high winds during the afternoon, the Slough round of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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T HE Old Masters had the right attitude, says poet Auden. When they painted the story of Icarus falling out of the sky, they...
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By John F. -Moak, Super Beaver with 150-b.h.p. Pie Makes Light of Running Gross .• Ample Power for 7dient Performance : Normal...
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T HE largest coach to run on public roads in Great Britain was demonstrated in London last week before a I,000-mile publicity...
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TH ERE was a big increase in the total number of cars and other road passenger vehicles coming into central London during the...
Silicone Grease LIAVING the consistency of petroleum jelly, MS4 is a homogeneous silicone grease . with a number of uses for...
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Up-to-date Equipment and Analytical Accounting Methods Solve Most of the Unusual Problems Confronting _ a Specialized HeaVy...
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local bus services in the U.S.A., drivers prefer to work an eight-hour shift straight through. without a proper meal break,...
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Profit-making Railways Let Road Hauliers Off Heavy Tax Burden and Give Feeling of Freedom By P. A. C. Brockington...
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THE refrigerated semi-trailers of Frigo European Road Services, Ltd., 18 Fruit Exchange, Spitalfields, London, E.1, which begin...
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Whereas an Operator May Implement His Own Methods for the Supply of Materials, Initiative is Stifled if Procedure Must be...