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"these Early Deliveries Are • Feather-bedding Farmers
COMPETITION between millers and manufacturers of .animal feeding stuffs has led to the " feather-bedding " of North Wales farmers, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North Western Deputy......
35 Makes For Earls Court : Fewer Foreign
T HIRTY-FIVE makes of commercialvehicle chassis will be seen at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court, London, which opens on September 26, This year's event will not be so......
Hauliers Gain £600,000 Rail Traffic
B ECAUSE of increasing road haulage competition, East African Railways and Harbours claim that in the past 12 months they have lost £600,000 in freight revenue. On the......
"agreement With,.. B.t.c. Net Enough"
A GREEMENT with the British Transport Commission to withdraw their objection failed to secure the grant of a new B licence for Mr. H. W. Roberts, Corwen, on Tuesday. He had......
Holiday Resort May Aid Coach Trippers
. 1-1 . A SCHEME for a coach passenger reception station 100 yards from Scarborough seafront is to be considered by the• town council. At present, coach trippers have to walk a......
Test Scheme Postponed
T HE compulsory testing of commercial vehicles of up to 30 cwt. and cars and motorcycles 10 or more years old is likely to be postponed. The scheme was due to start in the ant......