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Facilities at Tilbury

19th February 1965
Page 41
Page 41, 19th February 1965 — Facilities at Tilbury
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''OLLOWING representations by the L Road Haulage Association on behalf of members of the international group, ong room facilities have been provided it Tilbury. They have had to be limited n scope mainly because of the shortage of suitable office premises. Opening lours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on donday to Friday and from 9 a.m. to loon on Saturday. The address of the oew office is Long Room, Customs and ?,xcise, 1st Floor P.L.A. No, 1 Berth Mfices, Tilbury Dock, Essex.

The office is open to accept import ;ntries and to receive duty on imports it Tilbury from near Continental .ountries; to accept export pre-entries or any destination where this is required oy regulations; and for transactions oreviously dealt with by the Registrar at rilbury whose office will now be closed.