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Men In The News
Mr. A. Trevor Webster, director and general sales and service manager of Leyland Motors Ltd., has been appointed assistant managing director of the company. Mr. Webster is a......
I.r.t.e. Admissions And Transfers
'r HE following have been admitted to the Institute of Road Transport Engineers as ordinary members: Mr. D, F. Dean (manager. Seismograph Service (England) Ltd.); Mr. R. G. H.......
Free Hand For Lord Hinton
ORD HINTON was free to make his inquiry into transport co-ordination in the way he thought fit: he was not coming into the Civil Service to make the inquiry on the basis of an......
Plans To Improve London Roads Th E Minister Of Transport...
week outlined to M.P.s the improvements planned to deal with the increase of traffic on the roads affected by the extension of Tilbury Docks. The immediate approaches would be......
M.p.s Concerned Abou Rural Bus Services
G RAVE concern at the progressil reduction of rural bus services expressed in a House of Commot motion tabled by six Conservative M.P. With Mr. Callaghan's April budget mind,......
'no' To Carriage Of Goods Bill T He Bill Which Aims
at Briti recognition of standard internation conditions of contract for the carriage goods by road was halted at an ear stage of its progress through Parharne last week. When......
Roadside Checks To Contint
R OADSIDE checks to combat avoi able. nuisance of smoke from dies+ engined vehicles are to continue. Ti was stated in the Commons last week 1 the Minister of Transport when he w......
Mudguard Legislation Sought
THE Minister of Transport was urg I in the Commons last week to intr duce legislation to make it obligato for motor manufacturers to fit anti-spla flexible extensions to rear......