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AKING generalities is one of the most facile, and potentially least-productive, pastimes ever devised. Just such a smooth...
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T HE chairman of Northern Ireland Carriers Ltd. is to be Mr. G. Edmund Cameron, a Northern Ireland chartered accountant. Mr....
. FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT PI A PUBLICITY campaign aimed at explaining the need to send cargoes to the docks early is...
THROUGH rail freight services for I small consignments to the Royal group of docks in London were introduced on Monday by the...
DIRKETT AND ROBERTS LTD., Stoke-on'.) Trent, one of the largest independent bakeries in the country, is placing in service...
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''OLLOWING representations by the L Road Haulage Association on behalf of members of the international group, ong room...
"10 not apply fixed, published transport rates as a general rule: reserve them s a "big stick " with which to beat cuthroat...
design of the Minatie semi-trailers by lighland Engineering Ltd. The range goes refill a 300 Cu. ft. model for use behind a...
3 USES and lorries are both great big ugly monsters, not in the least romantic; -I both can cause congestion and both are doing...
commercial goods vehicles in the Metropolitan Police area in 1963 was not maintained in 1964. The number of cases and the value...
I AST week, Mr. K. C. Turner, in his ,capacity of president of the International Road Transport Union (1RU), spoke of the 20th...
G OOD results are being reported b) officials of the Transport and General Workers' Union in their campaign to step up...
T HE Norwich company of Mann Egerton and Co. Ltd. has completely remodelled its former manufacturing premises to provide a...
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THE international group of the Road Haulage Association has issued a revised version of its memorandum giving details on...
are two with a vehicle maintenance theme and one of probable economics content. The first two are maintenance brains trust run...
British Railways Report on Trunk Rou , Buckley, Assoc. Inst. T "T HE real choice is between an excessive and increasingly...
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National Tyre Distributors' Association, held immediately following the annual general meeting on Tuesday at the Park Lane...
ers, 1965-66 T RANSPORT Managers' Club officers elected for 1965-66 include the allowing:â London Area President, Mr. C....
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Mr. A. Trevor Webster, director and general sales and service manager of Leyland Motors Ltd., has been appointed assistant...
'r HE following have been admitted to the Institute of Road Transport Engineers as ordinary members: Mr. D, F. Dean (manager....
ORD HINTON was free to make his inquiry into transport co-ordination in the way he thought fit: he was not coming into the...
week outlined to M.P.s the improvements planned to deal with the increase of traffic on the roads affected by the extension of...
G RAVE concern at the progressil reduction of rural bus services expressed in a House of Commot motion tabled by six...
at Briti recognition of standard internation conditions of contract for the carriage goods by road was halted at an ear stage...
R OADSIDE checks to combat avoi able. nuisance of smoke from dies+ engined vehicles are to continue. Ti was stated in the...
THE Minister of Transport was urg I in the Commons last week to intr duce legislation to make it obligato for motor...
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A N EXPERIMENTAL Leyland Panther rear-engined single-deck bus with 41-seat Park Royal body has been placed in service by...
fitted with 62-seat bodies be purchased at a cost of £2,902 18s. each has been made by Doncaster Corporation transport...
T HE effects of congestion on London's red bus services in 1964 were worse than ever before, Mr. E J. Lloyd, central bus...
A ' order worth' .â¬2m. has been received by A.E.C. Ltd. and its associate bodybuilders, Park Royal Vehicles Ltd., for 200...
IN a report to Newcastle-on-Tyne CorI poration on transport developments in the city during the next five years, Mr. E S....
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T HE Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, refused an eight-vehicle fl-licence application by a...
M R. C. M. SHERIDAN, C.M.G.. aged 53, has been selected by the Minister of Transport as the new Licensing Authority and...
A SWITCH for 30 vehicles from C to 13 licence for Hull-based fish merchants. 'Stirk Bros., was granted by the 'Yorkshire deputy...
A NEWPORT haulier's bid for an additional 10 vehicles on A licence was opposed by 10 objectors at Cardiff on Wednesday. Before...
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T.HE first step towards the award of a 1 substantive licence for a Roadrailer was taken in Newcastle upon Tyne last week when...
IN a reserved written judgment, the I Transport Tribunal has remitted back to the Yorkshire deputy Licensing Authority the...
A N appeal by Hall and Ham River Ltd. against 'a decision of the South Eastern deputy Licensing Authority was allowed on a...
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recently been . eceived by Scammell Lorries Ltd. They nclude one from Simonds Farsons Cisk. yrewers, of Malta, for II 6-ton...
T " Ford Motor Co. Ltd. has announced that nearly 170 of its established dealers throughout the United Kingdom have been given...
At the same time as the new dealer network was announced, Ford also revealed a "Triple Seal" second-hand commercial vehicle...
will hold its annual - invitation two-day golf tournament at Wentworth on May 12 and 13. The tournament is normally attended by...
VO device had yet been offered that "I would make any effective reduction n the density of exhaust smoke from a liesel-engined...
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B y utilizing a standard chassis, the Bedford KGT tipper, Jones Cranes have achieved a new standard in the production of...
N OT all drivers have a natural instinct for mechanical matters or faults. Quite a number of otherwise reliable chaps can drive...
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and Publications Yew Brockhouse Trailer ROCKHOUSE AND CO. LTD. is now producing a 10/15-cwt, trailer, model KS 1457, for use...
,EING marketed now by Silicone Lubrications Ltd. is a new product which, it is claimed, will protect metal objects ;ainst rust...
body repair work is now made by Skil (Great Britain) Ltd. This includes a compact universal air hammer, which weighs only 3-75...
pincer spot gun produced by A.R.O. Machinery Co. Ltd, is that it is I5 per cent lighter than the model it replaces. Weight has...
Bosch Ltd next month, Both-the centre and the earth electrodes have a very small diameter (about 0-032 in.), which means that...
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By The Hawk Although, as was announced in The Commercial Motor last week, Mr. Harold Wood has ceased to be chairman and...
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B EFORE any important . undertaking the ancient Romans were accustomed to seek . the 'advice of a body of men whose skill lay...
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O NE of the most interesting features of the General Motors Futurama exhibit at the New York World Fair (due to reopen in...
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IGHTEEN months ago, in an article which appeared in "The Financial Times", I mentioned the possibilities of trunk running by...
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Tilsley: Do you think employers in general take no point m training a hundred men when all you have got are sufficient...
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T HE fact that transport is a service industry can lead to misunderstandings. Thus, taking the simplest of examples, where an...
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"AN ounce of experience is worth a pound of the*" is one of those sayings which has been repeated so often that it becomes...