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M.P.s Concerned Abou Rural Bus Services

19th February 1965
Page 44
Page 44, 19th February 1965 — M.P.s Concerned Abou Rural Bus Services
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

GRAVE concern at the progressil reduction of rural bus services expressed in a House of Commot motion tabled by six Conservative M.P. With Mr. Callaghan's April budget mind, the M.P.s are pressing for ti Government to take steps to ensure th rural services can be retained—or whe they have been lost, can be restored.

The method they have in mind Government aid, and because of ti apparently never-ending delay in doil something about the Jack Report, reduction in oil fuel tax is one quit remedy they are suggesting.

The M.P.s are led by Sir Rupert Spe (Hexham), the most consistent rural bl campaigner in the Commons. He supported by Mr. Jasper More (Ludlovi Sir Henry Studholme (Tavistock), M Peter Mills (Torrington), Mr. Kei Stainton (Sudbury and Woodbridge) at Mr. J. M. L. Prior (Lowestoft).