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Haulier kept no records

19th January 1980
Page 17
Page 17, 19th January 1980 — Haulier kept no records
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A HARROGATE haulier wa called before the Yorkshir Licensing Authority this weel even although there was n suggestion that his vehicle were unsafe.

The haulier, P. N. Pattisor was called before Majo General V. H. J. Carpenter fo failing to keep maintenanc records.

Mr Pattison holds a licenc specifying two vehicles an three trailers with one vehicl to be acquired. Vehicl examiner Anthony Marra): said he was told that inspec tions were carried out on ai "ad hoc" basis by commercia garages but there was documentary evidence. M Pattison had promised h would enter into a prope written agreement with garage but no confirmation ti that effect had been forth coming.

Questioned by the LA, M Mamby said he had no reasoi to believe that vehicles wer, not being maintained in a sat condition. The one trailer h, had examined had been satis factory. He had not examine4 the specified vehicles as the: had both recently been tested In evidence Mr Pattison saic he had now entered into ai agreement with Wilson Transport Limited o Boroughbridge for till maintenance of the vehicle.

Taking no action other thai to issue a warning, Majo General Carpenter said it wa a condition of the licence tha there be a proper record sys tern. The vehicles were beim looked after properly and M Pattison had taken steps tc correct the documentatior issue.