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Don't Beggar Your Neighbour
IT WOULD BE difficult to find a better neighbour than DAF Trucks. The company gladly joins in the social and cultural activities of Marlow, and sponsors the flower displays that......
Slow Down Or Stop Dead
ONLY SUBLIME optimists really expect drivers to reduce speed drastically in response to a motorway signal if there is no apparent reason for it, So I welcome the new......
Bad Habits Can Catch On
IS THERE any reason why the boss should earn more than a subordinate? Arnold Handley, writing in Body, published by the Vehicle Builders' and Repairers' Association, appears to......
Old Boys' Team Turns Up Trumps
HARVEY Grammar School, Folkestone, has reason to be proud of three of its old boys. They are John Smith, Mike Haley and Roger Arnold, and all are directors of Laser Transport......
They Should Be So Lucky
THERE IS fluttering in rm . transport in New Zealand b cause the central government expected this year to stop co tributing to road Costs. ROE users will then have to pay f the......
Not For The Faint Hearted
THE BRUSSELS Motor Sho. which is being held fro January 16-27, houses "an e ormous didactical expositior of how to save energy, the ( ganisers assure me. Those of nervous......