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Fowler Tells Of Free For All On Uk Buses
'HE CASE for the free enterprise British bus was advanced last veek when Transport Minister Norman Fowler informed an Lmerican audience of the philosophy behind the Transport......
This Leopard Is Really A Town Lynx Coach
THE LEOPARD is really a Lynx, a Town-Lynx that is. It is one of the new-livened vehicles operated by NBC subsidiary Crosville on new limited-stop bus services between Runcorn,......
Sales Go Up Only Slightly
IN CONTRAST to the spectacular growth in the sales of goods vehicles, UK bus and coach sales rose only slightly last year, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and......
3OUTH Yorkshire County :ouncil will have to subsidise Nest Yorkshire PTE's bus services in the Metropolitan county by an estimated L'50,000 in this financial year if :he PTE's......