Running Long-distance Heavy Haulage.
Page 48

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[3405] Sir,-We have been referred to you by the Leyland Motor Co., Ltd., for the following information: We intend running a transport service between Aberystwyth and Liverpool, a distance of 130 miles each way, carrying a load of, say, 10 tons to Liverpool and returning empty. Can you give us an idea' of what it would cost per mile to run this service, assuming that, say (a) two journeys per week are run, (b) three journeys per week are run?
We are regular readers of your journal and supply our drivers with copies.
[You do not state what type or capacity of vehicle you propose to employ on the work you specify. I have assumed that you intend to use a 10-ton six-wheeler, running on pneumatic tyres.
In that case, assuming that you do only two journeys per week, your mileage will be 520 per week, and the cost • of operation approximately Is. 3d. per mile. If you do three journeys per week, the weekly mileage will be 780 and the cost will be reduced to is. 11d. per mile. In these figures for cost full account is taken of every Item of cost. The running-cost figures comprise expenditure on petroVoil, grease, tyres, maintenance (which .ineludes allowance for regular cleaning and upkeep B30 generally, as well as the cost of overhauls as and when they are required) and depreciation, calculated at a definite rate per mile run. The standing charges allow for licences, wages(at full trade-union rates) comprehensive jasuranee, garage rent and rates and interest on the capital involved.-S.T.R.]