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A SERIOUS menace to the employment of mechanical road transport has arisen through the operation of the Road Traffic Act in...
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!THE effect of the Road 'Traffic Act in prevent-L lag the use of motor lorries for the conveyance of passengers, even in...
TT is remarkable how soon improvements, - 11 -once effected, come to be appreciated as essential, whereas, before they came to...
rrHERE are too many small associations in different parts of the country trying to look after the interests of local...
111 H E Postmaster- 1 General is apparently very pleased with the results attending the use of motorcycles, which have enabled...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Superintendent Claro, superintendent of the public-carriage department of Scotland Yard, is retiring next month. Alderman...
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During the montei of April schemes for widening, reconstruction and other improvements of classified roads and bridges, and for...
The French „War Department has lately introduced a new scale,,of subsidies which are offered to owners of tractors and lorries...
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ITAVERFORDWEST (Perrib.) Town Council is to buy a lorry for the scavenging department. The tramways committee of WAR PINGTON...
A new method of renewing worn valve seatings has been developed by the Ubique Works, of Galgate Street, Old Trafford,...
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DENNIS DEVELOPMENTS A New Type of Fire Pump with its Turbine Centrally Mounted. An Interesting New Testing Plant for Fire...
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their Fuel T WO recent memoranda dealing with fuel for compression-ignition engines, issued by the Society of Motor...
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TRAILER DESIGN Modern Bogie Arrangements, Low-pressure Tyres, Cranked Frames and Improved Brake Gear Allow for Compliance with...
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T HE Neate trailer brake, a device of the type in which a pawl on the hand lever turns a ratchet drum on which the brake cable...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Moron. [3400] Sir,—I desire to bring to your notice what I consider to be a deplorable instance of...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3401] Sir,—Last week being Safety First Week I was reminded of an excellent safety device...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3402] Sir,—We have read with great interest the article, "How to Reduce Body Weight," in...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3403] Sir,—Considerable publicity has been given to one or two cases decided recently in...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MoTok. [3404] Sir,-As a regular reader of The Commercial Motor, I was pleased to see, in the issue...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3405] Sir,-We have been referred to you by the Leyland Motor Co., Ltd., for the following...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3406] Sir,-I have been a reader of your journal for a number of years and wonder if you...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3407] Sir,-Would you kindly forward your Tables of Operating Costs to me? I am a regular...
[A copy of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs has been dispatched to you. The standing charges relative to the...
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First Particulars of an Interesting Crossley Device M ANY attempts have, during recent years, been made to simplify the...
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F OB. some time, Pagefield Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Pagefleid Works, Wigan, has been devoting special attention to...
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A N interesting and compact device - for automatically • preserving the correct adjustment in a braking system has been...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent London Passenger Transport Bill. T HEJoint Committee of both Houses...
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of Passenger Transport Latest News from the Various Traffic Areas STOUT RESISTANCE TO A CORPORATION'S TOUR-LICENCE...
The Commissioners Put an End to Long-standing Feuds Between Operators and Municipalities F OLLOWING our reference last .12 -...
Working Arrangements Urged Where Railways Have No Financial Interest T HE first applications in respect to ...long-distance...
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The Commissioners far the
taised in the past few days at the public sittings of Traffic Commissioners throughout the country was that put forward before...
MHE Scintilla magnetos, marketed by I. Scintilla, Ltd., 14, Clerkenwell Close, London, B.C.] , , have a good reputation in...
head-rest for passenger-vehicle seats has recently been introduced by Messrs. David Bloom, of 08, Northumberland Street,...
O - WING to the position of the handbrake lever on Ford lorries and cars, drivers of short stature sometimes find it rather...
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riONSIDERABLE aCtivity prevails in the bodybuilding shops of E. J. Newns, Ltd., of Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I EXPECT that quite a number of readers of the previous article has considerably discounted its value,...
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A NY liquid employed as a fuel for internal-combustion engines must be free from foreign matter or it will cause trouble with...
of a well-known make The Latest Product to be Marketed by the Maker of Ingersoll-Rand Appliances vrODERN garages and service...
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of practical design Some Particulars of a Robust B.T.-H. Product of the Rotating-magnet Type, which Embodies a Number of...
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This Week Our Bodybuilding Expert Deals with the Various Methods of Hinging Doors, Making Useful Suggestions T HE ash...
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in Relation to Speed A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications rpnE name Motorenfabrik Dents 1....