Organizing the National Road Transport Federation
Page 32

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A 'Précis of the Leading Features of the Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association of What May Become the Body Which Will Speak for Almost the Whole of the Operating Side of Road Transport
riRAFTS of the memorandum and articles of association Liaf the National Road Transport Federation, the Road tiaariage Association, the Traders Road Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association have been issued by the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference.
We have already dealt with, and given a criticism of, those referring to the R.H.A. Those of the T.R.T.A. and P.V.O.A. are much on the same lines. We shall, therefore, deal only with certain points from the document relating to the N.R.T.F. It must be remembered, however, that the anal text has to be agreed by the existing organizations and by the provisional committees acting for the proposed bodies, so that amendments may be made.
In the memorandum of the N.R.T.F. the objects for which the Federation is established are given as:— ro encourage and enable organizations rePresenting persons, arms or bodies, corporate or uaincorporate, engaged, conerned or interested in the transport of goods and/or ?assengers to federate or co-operate by becoming members )r associates of the Federation, and to act as the representaive and mouthpiece of such organization.
To promote combined action by co-ordinating the work bad activities of any organizations, members of the Federaion, and to promote the settlement of disputes by conciliaion or arbitration, also to assist in the formation of boards or this purpose.
To watch over and protect the general interests of such oldies and to promote the consideration and discussion all questions connected with them..
To give the legislature, public authorities and other bodies acilities for conferring with all concerned or interested n the transport of goods and/or passengers as regards natters directly or indirectly affecting their interests.
To originate, promote and support improvements in the aw and regulations affecting those concerned or interested a the transport of goods and/or passengers. This includes acilitating the passage through Parliament of Bills in urtherance of the objects of the. Federation, or entering nto any arrangements with any authority to secure such ights, privileges or concessions as may be conducive to he objects of the Federation.
The Right to Print or Purchase Journals.-and Books To print and publish or purchase the copyright in, or therwise secure, any books, journals, newspapers, periodials, leaflets or any interest therein, and to undertake arty aopaganda and to advertise in any manner that the ederation may think desirable for its objects.
To collect and .diffuse amongst members and the public, tatistics and other information on all matters affecting he transport of goods and-for passengers.
To raise the standard of technical and general knowledge f those engaged in, or about to engage in, any such work. 'his. includes assisting .technical and other .schools and rOviding for the delivery of lectures and the holding of €asses and examinations.
To encourage, investigate and make known the nature Erd merits of inventions in these fields, and to acquire fly patents or licences relating to them, also to expend ioney in conducting research work, etc., which may seem eneficial.
As regards the articles of association, the governing body iall have full discretion to admit or refuse any candidate nmembership. It may, in its discretion and after coniltation. with the original association members, admit the lembership of any organization, whether incorporated or
not, having objects wholly or in part similar to those of any of the organizations already embodied in the Federation.
The governing body may elect as an assaciate any organization outside Great Britain which will be eligible as a member of the Federation.
An associate shall not be deemed to be a member of the Federation or to be entitled' to any of the rights or privileges of a member, although entitled to attend general meetings.
How Members of the Governing Body Will be Appointed The governing body to manage the affairs of the Federation shall consist of the chairman and three members (or such greater number as the Federation members may determine in general meeting) of the national council of each such organization appointed by this council from amongst its members.
The chairman of the governing body shall .be elected annually by the latter from amongst its members. A retiring chairman who has held office for a year shall be eligible for re-election fort a further year, but not eligible for re-election to that office for the next succeeding period.
The governing bocly will also elect a vice-chairman in the same manner.
The functions of the body shall be generally to integrate, co-ordinate, and make more effective the work of the organizations, and promote and protect the interest of the road-transport industry as a whole. In particular, it will endeavour to formulate for the industry a common policy acceptable to the organizations.
The governing body may appoint a president and vicepresidents of the Federation. They will not be members of the governing body nor ,entitled to vote.
An important clause deals with independent action by members. In any matters affecting two or more . of the members of the Federation, but without derogation from its absolute independence or autonomy, any members shall, prior to taking independent action affecting directly or indirectly the interests of any other members of the Federation, notify the governing body, specifying the particular matter and giving such details as the governing body shall require. Provided that in any matter which, in the opinion of the chairman of the Federation, shall be of urgency, the chairman may, with the agreement of the chairman, or, in his absence, the vice-chairman of each of the members affected, dispense with the provisions of this article, provided further that, in he event of failure to agree, the president of the Federation shall be empowered to act as a referee.
Notwithstanding the . provisions of this article, any member shall be permitted to take such action affecting the interests of any other member as he shall deem necessary if, after written notice to the Federation secretary, a meeting of the governing body to deal with the matter shall not have been convened within 10 days and held within 21 days of the receipt of such notice, As regards voting, every member shall have one vote. As regards legal proceedings, in furtherance of the objects
of the Federation—the governing body may from time to time make such general arrangements as it thinks fit for the provision of assistance—monetary, the defraying of legal expenses or otherwise—in enforcing or resisting any claim, action or proceedings, civil cit criminal, licensing or otherwise, for its members, their officers, servants and agents or any section, group or class thereof.