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T HE fact that some 400 applications for member , ship of the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers were received...
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O ro a Main road near Lincoln a certain woman built up, at her home, a useful little business as a road-transport cafe....
Burnt Petrol-engine VEHICLE operators a n d Valves can be ReV repairers are advised by the conditioned . . Directorate of...
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That road transport is like a ball tossed between political conjurors. _ That other transport interests hope to catch the ball...
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TRANSPORT ENGINEERS' ORGANIZING COMMITTEE MEETS , THE first meeting of the Organizing 1 Committee of the proposed Institute of...
D ETAILS of a regional scheme for operators of C-licence vehicles to release such machines and their drivers for whole or...
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MR. I IARRY HARWOOD, the new, presiderit of Darwen Rotary Club, is in business as a haulage contractor. MR, E. II. SIM.PER has...
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A Compact Device Suitabli for Engine Testing and Stationary Plant Use A CONVENIENT * fuel for bench testing a reconditioned...
Recent Goodyear Tests Which , Show Great Promise for a Rubber Substitute wmilisr we are inclined, to look W upon synthetic...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier row the Rates for 6-ton Loads May be Arrived Comparatively Small Features Which Greatly...
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I NDUSTRIAl d radiography is a branch of applied science which. has already proved of great value in mechanical and structural...
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A 'Précis of the Leading Features of the Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association of What May Become the Body Which Will...
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OUR l'PASS IT ON" SCHEME MUCH APPRECIATED I NOTICE in some of the recently arrived copies of your journal several...
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express its appreciation of " The Commercial Motor" and, in particular, the conjectures and suggestions of your leader of April...
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Views of a Road-transport Man who was Present in the House of Commons When Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker Presented the Estimates for the...
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O N May 5 we published a note concerning a restriction on licences to acquire new vehicles, pointing out that the R.T.C.s have...
T cdpe with one of the troubles 11; caused by MT80 fuel thete is a comparatively simple process of depositing a...
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Surface Treatment for Hardness or Corrosion Resistance, and Mechanical Treatment to Give Improved PhysicalProperties at...
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N EW methods are needed to cope with new conditions, and it is the methods which the foreman employs that distinguish the old...
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A ROTARY valve which seats tightly in a conical bore when at rest, but which is lifted slightly to ease the bearing pressure...