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Sound level:

19th November 1983
Page 7
Page 7, 19th November 1983 — Sound level:
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TOUGH new EEC limits sound levels for motor vet now look likely to be acce — but later rather than sool pleas by manufacturers heeded, writes our Brussel4 respondent.

The EEC's Economic Social Committee, an adv body of employees and tr unions, last week approve( new levels proposed by thE Commission.

These levels are: buses 83dB(A), depending on er size; lorries up to 3.5 to 78dB (A); lorries over 3,5 to 80-84dB(A), depending on gine size; private cars 77dB( On average, the new Ii represent a drop of 3dI which is equivalent to aboul the amount of sound en emitted.

At talks in Brussels, Br is reported to have beei favour of even more strin noise restrictions on heavy ries.

But vehicle manufacture' particularly in Italy, France West Germany — put up a st case on financial grounds.

On Commission estimates quieter vehicles could cost tween three and five per more to build.

The political argument centres on the date when m facturers must comply witr legislation, which should bs proved by EEC ministers year.

Members of the Economic Social Committee have gested more generous I times — five years in the cal new vehicles and eight year models under constructiol the time the new standards approved.