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Wernight Lowances
EAD with great interest your cle on Tayside Truckstop 4, November 5). Having spent last seven days talking to ;k drivers, about 70 per cent e - eciate the facilities provided 30......
)1a1 Do We Fine Competence?
E Certificate of Professional npetence may be dead but it lie down! "So long as we at the EEC Requirements of :dives 561 and 562 of 1974, worry? There are thousands re holders......
Strictly Fair At Ldoy
ON BEHALF of the LDoY Association, may I congratulate Mike Rutherford on his excellent report of the national finals (CM September 24). In one particular, however, he was in......
That Act, Continued
YOUR READERS may well be interested in a letter which I have received from Andrew Rowe, Member of Parliament for MidKent. It reads as follows: "Some of my constituents wrote to......