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3perator Kept Goin
N OPERATOR who lost his Operator's licence earlier this year, but ontinued to operate three vehicles to keep up hire-purchase lyments and provide work for employees, lost an......
Lees' New Hive
EES TRANSPORT has created a London area subsidiary to tend its high security distribum services to that area. It has formed Bees Transport )uthern to operate a purpose jilt......
Exhibition Trailer Rental
N EXHIBITION trailer rental service has been launched by BRS mthern, following recommendations from its market research am. It is offering a 35ft trailer with *Med dropside......
Ved Dodge
A HUGE JUMP jump in the number of prosecutions for vehicle excise duty dodgers has brought in millions of pounds, Transport Minister Lynda Chalker announced on Tuesday.......
Tm 'must Be Efficient'
THE NEED for a reliable and efficient transport manager was stressed at the Transport Tribunal last week, when a company's appeal against the loss of its operator's licence......