Bradford Buses Lose Passengers AAR. JOHN C. WAKE, general IVI
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manager, presenting his first annual report of Bradford City. Transport says that the number of passengers dropped by 6,694,614, a decline of 5.3 per cent., in the year up to March 31, compared with a drop in the previous year of 1.63 per cent. Mr. Wake reports an increase in revenue of £80,530 and concludes
During the year strenuous efforts have been made to put the undertaking on a sound financial basis, and a small net surplus has been achieved, the first for many years."
Liverpool Teams' Success AT the National Road Passenger Transport Ambulance Association's annual competitions for men's and women's tearns held in Liverpool last week, Liverpool Transport's First Aid teams won both events for the second year running. Liverpool, men's team won the Stirk Trophy and the women's team the Lewis Cup, which they have now won on five occasions.
Mersey Transport Board?
THE establishment of a Merseyside Road Passenger Transport Board has been suggested in a statement by the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce,
In the section dealing with the omnibus services of Liverpool, Wallasey and Birkenhead it is stated: "It is open fo question if the requirements of an operating organization today are best met by the municipal structure of an amateur" committee with a. full-time senior official. The whole concept of that seems to belong to the less complex times of the past; from the financial angle alone, the annual accounts of the omnibus-owning municipalities .go to prove that point."
Fifteen P.s.v.s Lost F'IFTEEN coaches were lost and I damage amounting to about £100,000 was caused by a fire that burned down a garage belonging to Hall Brothers Transport, Ltd:, alto Victoria Road East, Jarrow, County Durham.
Drivers, garage staff, firemen and members of the public all helped to save sonic of the vehicles. In addition to the 15 destroyed, five others will need extensive repairs.