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I N something less than two years' time the voters of Great Britain will have to elect a new (,overnment; it is at least...
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" RITISH transport operators have Li more experience than those in other European countries and they have no need to get into...
From our Industrial Correspondent R OAD haulage workers are likely t6 become involved next_ time , if' railwaymen call another...
Removers are holding their annual autumn conference at the Park Lane Hotel, London, WI, next Thursday, commencing at 10.30 a.m....
Corner, Park Lane and Marble Arch were officially opened on Wednesday. This includes the 1,000-ft. twintunnel underpass.
the Midland Bakers' Federation have been awarded a pay increase of 13s, a week, back-dated to September 10. It affects about...
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T HERE was an international flavour to Wednesday's business session of the R.H.A.'s annual conference at Bournemouth. The...
" THERE is little doubt, incredible as it may seem, that the Labour Party. if returned to power, would do their best to put...
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T HE appeal by Flower Freight Co., .Ltd., against their conviction at Bow Streefin January of using a goods vehicle for the...
of bulk milk collection, the Milk Marketing Board for England and Wales have announced that they are prepared to assist...
construction has recently been placed in service by the Electrical Division of Castro! Industrial, Ltd., a. subsidiary of...
WITH the approaching end of Summer VV Time on October 28, the National Road Transport Federation calls the attention of...
THE Order by which new controls are imposed on the movement by road of loads between 14 and 20 ft. wide comes into operation...
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T HE West Midland Licensin g Authority, Mr. John Else, spent another 'full day on Tuesday hearin g about a scheme for transport...
WHEN Pettifors Transport (London), VV Ltd., applied to the Metropolitan Licensin g Authority on Tuesday, for substantive...
I N a reserved decision on Wednesday. the Metropolitan deputy Licensin g Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald. refused the...
F OLLOWING the, li q uidation Of .. th . Barley Repair :Depot, Ltd., residents of the rural districts a r o und Bur n ley....
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T HE Metropolitan Deputy Tra ffi c Commissioner, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, last week rejected two applications by Dr. Herbert...
T HE South Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. H. I. Thom, at Southampton last week heard an applicaCon by Pitter Bros., of...
I N another application at Southampton last week, Pitter Bros. were successful when they asked for the addition of two further...
T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, last week ordered two vehicles to be removed from the licence in the...
I N an attempt to introduce Continental camping holidays to the West Riding of Yorkshire, Wonderlust Tours applied for a...
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Deputy LA. Criticized T HE Transport Tribunal, sitting in Edinburgh last week, criticized the Scottish deputy Licensing...
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THE eyes of everyone interested in licensing were focused on Edinburgh last 1 week, where the Transport Tribunal—reshuffled as...
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L ARGER and more powerful engines have been adopted as standard for the Austin A35 and Morris Minor 5-cwt. models, which are...
.1 - 1 A NEW servicing depot, designed by Wallis, Gilbert and Partners and built by Simms Sons and Cooke, Ltd . ., has been...
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truck .1 - 1 , with a heaped capacity of 18 cu. yd. has been developed by Scammell Lorries, Ltd., to augment their existing...
QINCE only 10 of Europe's 30 heavy lorry makers produce more than 4,000 vehicles a year some of them will disappear or merge in...
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T HE retiring president of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, Sir William Black, opened his address at the 17th annual...
A NEW, specially strengthened safety glass to give added protection against smash and grab raiders has been developed by...
semi-trailer originally introduced as a 5th wheel coupling unit is now available in the same range of lengths-22 ft., 24 ft....
BREWERS PLACE ORDERS: Four breweries in the Midlands have placed orders together worth over £60,000 with the Leyland Motors...
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Pi A BATTERY-ELECTRIC truck designed for use in factories and industrial premises as an ambulance has been announced by Wessex...
INDUSTRIAL heating units made by Tangyes, Ltd., Cornwall Works, Smethwiek, Birmingham, are now available fitted with a...
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Axles A RRANGEMENTS for driving a pair of tandem axles are shown in patent No. 892,469. The main feature is the improved...
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CARLISLE, northernmost outpost of Ribble Motor SerVices, seems to be determined to try to bring the red Ribble buses into line...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT L ONDON TRANSPORT have given 1--A way on two proposals of their fivepoint "package deal" for...
del Motor, it was stated that the Halifax Corporation cleansing committee and its passenger transport committee are to...
were allowed to run against the flow of traffic in a reserved lane over part of the one-way route in Berkeley Street. This was...
manager, presenting his first annual report of Bradford City. Transport says that the number of passengers dropped by...
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manager of the manufacturing division of Thomas Harrington, Ltd., and Mr. Geoffrey G. Harrington has been appointed sales...
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By S. BUCKLEY, Associnst.T. T HE stability of a long-established industry can become a liability rather than an asset if the...
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0 PPORTUNITY was the theme for this year's conference. said Mr. • D. 0. Good, the national chairman of the Road Haulage...
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surprised delegates by expressing his " dissatisfaction " at the resolutions that were being discussed by the conference. "1...
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WHILST the Association and British Road Services would be happy if there VY were only one haulage wages machine, there was...
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T HE Common Market, Continental operation, road safety and vehicle construction and maintenance were the subjects of four...
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T SEE from the current issue of B.M.C. World that Iproduction directors of the British Motor Corporation have recently been...
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A PPARENTLY it was -a genuine coincidence that on the same day the chairmen of British Road Services and of the Road Haulage...
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D ESPITE the pioneering work done by British manufacturers in respect of automotive applications of gas-turbine power—the Rover...
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Description of a recommended vehicle cost sheet commenced last week is continued here. Regular completion simplifies the work...
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retreading process— will give you all the mileage and all the performance of a new tyre at little more than half new tyre...