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Carlisle Pressure For Smoking Ban
CARLISLE, northernmost outpost of Ribble Motor SerVices, seems to be determined to try to bring the red Ribble buses into line with other companies operating into the city where......
Part Of L.t.e. Plan Shelved
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT L ONDON TRANSPORT have given 1--A way on two proposals of their fivepoint "package deal" for modernizing and increasing the efficiency of their......
Not Halifax Passenger Transport I N The October 5 Issue...
del Motor, it was stated that the Halifax Corporation cleansing committee and its passenger transport committee are to amalgamate. In fact, Halifax Corporation has two transport......
Reverse-flow Buses F Or The First Time, Last Sunday,...
were allowed to run against the flow of traffic in a reserved lane over part of the one-way route in Berkeley Street. This was an important feature of the Ministry of......
Bradford Buses Lose Passengers Aar. John C. Wake, General...
manager, presenting his first annual report of Bradford City. Transport says that the number of passengers dropped by 6,694,614, a decline of 5.3 per cent., in the year up to......