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Thirty-five Drivers Fined

1st December 1961
Page 37
Page 37, 1st December 1961 — Thirty-five Drivers Fined
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NISTRY of Transport road check July on commercial vehicles using London to Dover road at Bridge, anterbury, led to 35 drivers and rrns being ordered to pay a total 10s. in fines and costs at airy last week.

olds (Kent), Ltd., of Swanscombe, led £2, with 10s. costs, for failing e proper records to be kept, and m Photos, Ltd., of Margate, were for the same offence. Sunbeam's James Tillman, was also fined £1 keeping records of his journeys. J. Girling, for Sunbeam and

said it was very difficult for firm to keep proper records when .aphers were also drivers, as a ereentage of the hours of work d were not spent in actual driving. road check also revealed that two Whitstable men, John and Peter Allen, trading as Allen Brothers, of Reservoir Road, were using their van without a licence. They were each fined £1.

One driver; Norman Deverall, of Sturry Road, Canterbury, was fined £1 for making up his driving record sheet for three days in advance.

Another, Arthur Burgess, a carrier of Barham, near Canterbury, pleaded not guilty to failing to keep proper records. He told the court he had written his normal route and the description of the type of goods he usually carried in the front of his record book to save him 'wilting down the same thing every day. He was convicted, but given an absolute discharge and told by the magistrate to consult a Ministry of Transport inspector about making them out properly in future. • •