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L IFE being what it is, there will undoUbtedly be a minority body of hauliers who, on January 1 next, either do not apply the...
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Gei [ntosh D URING one of his visits to the United States, C McIntosh attended a service at the Fifth A Presbyterian Church,...
There Will Still Be Thornyerofts W ITH the news, published exclusively in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, that the...
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D i 0 /0 on January 1 (IN Monday the rates committee of the Road Haulage Association recommended members to increase their...
From our Industrial Correspondent T HE second round in the London busmen's battle for higher pay is to be fought out in a...
Gove should raise a huge nation for tackling Britain's most I problem—her inadequate roac put forward by an M.P. last wed'....
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT RUPERT SPEIR, the Tory M.P. for Hexham, Northumberland, will ask the Commons next Wednesday...
Do Not Open This Back Door" Plead Respondents I were a legislator, I would be in tvour of making it compulsory to cash in...
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. Mr. Reay Geddes, managing director of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. has been elected the new president of the Motor Industry...
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our Political Correspondent llovernment aim to have the I Traffic Bill ,through •the . Christmas, and into the s—where it...
From Our Parliamentary Correspondent A BID to ensure that speeding would not be included in the offences leading to automatic...
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A N application by F. J. Hope (Transport), Ltd., of Hatton Road, Bedfont, Middlesex, for eight additional vehicles on A licence...
D ESP1TE many local protests, Cardiff Transport Committee are adamant that the city's trolleybuses must be scrapped. The...
have now granted the application by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., to operate express carriage services between...
I NDIVIDUAL Orders will be for the movement of loads ov long in the near future. This veq . by Mr. John Hay, Parlia secretary...
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Court of Appeal on Monday disised an appeal by Mr. G. H. G. , haulage contractor of Ruskin -louse, Denmark Hill, London, ho...
WEST COUNTRY haulage contractors WV were intrigued last week when they heard that the British Transport Commission had...
ri A GRANT of one 11-ton articulated unit was made by the -Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, in Glasgow last week...
NISTRY of Transport road check July on commercial vehicles using London to Dover road at Bridge, anterbury, led to 35 drivers...
and a number of employers were fined a total of £79 10s. at Worthing on Monday for offences under the Road Traffic Act, 1960,...
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'THE Eire Road Transport Association I has sent a statement of policy to the Irish Premier, the Minister for Transport and...
VARIOUS improvements and V cations to increase the li reliability of Thames Trader ma now being incorporated in prod: New...
T HEneed for all commercial vehicle operators to have their own local T.R.T.A. " club " where matters arising in the locality...
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ARATORY work is well under in the drafting of a traffic code ape. It is expected that the initial will be issued early next...
New Edition of Reference Work T HE eighth edition of "The British Commercial Vehicle Industry" has been published by Temple...
.ITEMPT born of familiarity in mdling petroleum spirit," even sed premises, is severely criticized InspectorS .Explbsives in...
THERE was a shortage of vehicles for I transporting farm produce and agricultural equipment in the West Midlands, it was stated...
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Taking Ten Cars at a Time A N interesting new car transporter has been introduced by Canley Car Deliveries, Ltd., of Coventry,...
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ZBOCHARGED version of the 5.8-litre direct-injection diesel is been developed by F. Perkins, is initial blown model is for ise...
,ARCH is wasted unless it is de known and applied," said ilsham, the - Minister of Science, anal lunch of the Motor Industry...
hAANY interesting examples of their in current production of insulated and refrigerated bodies and containers were shown at an...
,R FROM PORTUGAL: Uniao de adores pars Irnportacao e Corner, of Lisbon, have ordered two Fammoth Major six-wheelers and arch...
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A RETURN delivery trip to the Isle of Wight in one day by goods vehicles of up to 20 tons capacity is expected to be possible...
rHANGES in the organization of the ‘.." retail trades and the supply and wholesale systems behind them are increasingly...
R OAD transport operator! be favourably affected by ir tation of the report of the Committee of Inquiry into the economy, which...
A GROWING demand for articulated road vehicles in West Pakistan is foreseen by Mr. J. Rawling, works manager of Cranes...
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How Humble Herrings Start Their Journeys to Other Continents is Revealed in the Transport Activities of Claben, Ltd., Aberdeen...
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Chambers of Commerce Report to Rochdale Committee A NY plans to increase the capacity of any port in Great Britain should...
" A S each station costs £50m. to £60m. and transport costs are sm each to the whole, it is vital to 'think big' in the...
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AR1NG in mind the many changes now taking place the transport landscape, it might seem reasonable ) ask whether the method...
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NUMBERS SLIGHTLY GREATER By A. A. Townsin, A.M.I.Mech.E. T HE total strength of the municipal bus and trolleybus Beets, at...
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IN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. I N the same way that there are some operators who are not happy with a vehicle unless it is grossly...
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fresh and ,fast THE problem of transporting bulk supplies of frozen foods and fresh meat over long distances so that they...
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IS for oil drums and acid carwhich facilitate the dispensing ■ ntents have been introduced by xi, Ltd., 24 Nelson's Row,...
ACHABLE number-plate unit, lete with stop and tail lamp, er and reflector, has been intro Scammell Lorries, Ltd. The on to a...
CHURE entitled "Aluminium t Trim" has been produced by ninium Development Associairosvenor Street, London, W.I. 10s. 6d. and...
topping applied by trowel—are now from. Tretol, Ltd., London, to have developed a special grade. This is designed para.; use...
NEW been introduced by the Davies Tyre Co., Ltd. It has a wide, flat tread and the design is said to give both high mileage and...
r't A HAND cleanser which has been developed specially for the removal of synthetic resins such as epoxide and polyester types...
Joseph Lucas. Ltd. Called model 9H, they are smaller than their predecessors, model 618, and consume roughly half the...
Co., Ltd., Rochdale, entitled Flat Transmission Belting, contains a considerable amount of information relating to the use of...
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The Ability to Give Customers Immediate but Prudent Quotations Should be Allied to Road Transport's Inherent Flexibility of...
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Ministerial Statements and Replies RURAL BUSES--A DEBATE? I AM still considering the rural bus , problem in the light of the...
Trolley Service to End: South Shields Town Council is to scrap its trolleybus service wiihin four years. Speed-up Sought:...