Financial News of the Industry
Page 55

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Bylas and Eyler', 1„td.--Private company, Reg. Aug. 14. Cap. £6,000 In 41 shares 13,000 pref. and 3,000 ord.). Garage proprietor, coachbuilder, etc. Subseribers:-`11. J. Eyles, H. V. Eyles and Mrs. Alice V. Lyles. Chagford, Lucerne Road, Oxford. Solicitor:-Ifenry F. Galvin, 4, George Street, Oxford.
W. Knowles and Sons (Garages), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Aug. 14. Cap. £10,000 in £1., shares. To acquire the business of Messrs. W. Knowles and Sons, Blackburn. Haulage contractor, garage proprietor, etc. Directors :-E. Knowles, ' Newhey," 757, Belmont Road, Bolton; A. Knowles, " Whenfell," 767, Belmont, Road,. Bolton.
Frank Walker (Oldham), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Aug. 11. Cap. £500 in £1 shares. Carrier, transport agent, haulage contractor. etc. Directers:-Frank Walker and Renetia H. Walker, 455, Burnley Lane, Chadderton, Oldham. Reg. ollc,e:-29a, Union Street, Oldham.
A. V. and H. Fray, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Aug. 13. Cap. £500 in 41 shares. General carrier, haulage contractor, etc. Direet,cs:A. V. Fray, 45, Hydes Road, Wednesbury ; H. Fray, 47, Hydes Road, Wednesbury: E. T. Wilkinson, 302, Liverpool Road, Co,dishead, keeretary:-E. T. Wilkinson. Reg. office: -45, Ilydes Road, Wednesbury, Downing Motors, Ltd.. -Private company, Reg. Aug. 10. Cap. £4,000 it. 2,000 pref. and 1,800 "A" ord. shares Of £1 . and 400 " B' • ord. shares ol is. Manufacturer and repairer of and dealer in Commercial vehicles, etc. Directors:-W. Hardesty, dim., and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hardesty, 272, Hills Road, Cambridge. Seorctary:-W. Haidesty, Jur. 1:eg. office:-36, Downing Street, Cambridge.
Whitmee and Sons, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Aug. 11. Cap.
41,000 in £1 shares. Manufacturer and repairer of commercial vehicles, ate. Directors:-C. It. Whitmee, 285. York Road, Battersea, London, S.W.11; W. W. Whitinee, 279, York Road, Battersea, London,
S.W.11. Secretary :--C. Whitmeo. Solicitors :-Warkins, Pulleyn and Ellison, 14, Gray's Inn Square, London, 57.0.1. Reg. ollftee:-283, Fork Road, Battersea, London, S.W.11, INCREASES or CAPITAL.
Random Bodies, Ltd., 29-35, Castle Road Mews. London.. Nom. top. increased by £1,900 in ord. shares of £1. beyond reg. cap. of £100. d.A.W., Ltd., 345, Mi;e, End Road, London, E.1.-Nom. cap. increased by 43,500 in ord. shares of £1 beYond reg. cap. of £500. Carmo (1929), Ltd., 17-21, Rochester Mews, Camden Town, London, N.W.1,-None. rep, increased by 45,000 in ord, shares of £1 beyond reg. cap. of £5,000.
Aeoling•Elartord, Ltd., In vim& Works, Grantham, Li o os.-Satisfaction in fall on July 24, 1937, of deb. dated Feb. 13, 1934, and reg. Feb. 16, 1934.
Thomas Tilling, Ltd,--Art interim Ordinary dividend of 5 per cent., loss tax, it declared. Trojan (Holdings), Ltd.--A nuel dividend of 7 per cent., less rag, on Ordinary shares tor period ended Aug. 14, making a total of 10 per cent., less tax. Mass Gear Co., Ltd.-Final dividend of 3 per cent. is declared on Preforence 'shares, making 6 per cent, for year.
Simms motor units, Ltd.-In 1936, trading profits rose from £57,585 to £58,609. After writing off a loss of £12,000 on oil-engine-pump department, net balance oi 43,849 remained. Reorganization expenditure of £4,550 increased debit balance on profit and less from £58,391 to 459,093.
Longton Transport, Ltd.-Charge on haulage depot. conics station and land at King Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, etc., dated July 24, 1937, to secure £2,500. Ifolder:-Leel United and Midlands Building Society. 50, St. Edward Street, Leek. H. R. Benson, Ltd., 36, Low Skellgate, Ripon.--Debenture charged ou the company's property, present and future, including uncalled cap., dated July 3/, 1937, to secure £700. Holder:-Meade Trust, Ltd., 77, North Street, Ripon.
G. W.. Leggett and son, Ltd., Clayton Lane, Clayton, Manchester.Reginald Itindley, Corn Exchange Buildings, Hanging Ditch, Manchester, was appointed receiver on August 11, 1937, under powers contained in debentures dated April 27, 1937.