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Road Transport " Rescues " The " Berengaria."
Last Friday the famous Cunard White Star liner " Berengaria. " was delayed for three quarters of an hour. It was only by the excellent work performed by road transport that the......
Pat On The Back For Shetland Operators. •
Tributes were paid to Shetland motor-vehicle operators by Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at a sitting in Lerwick. He said:— " We are glad to see that......
The German Roads Delegation.
The constitution of the German Roads Delegation has now been settled. It will include some 65 well-known Members of Parliament and a total of over 220, made up of......
Chinese Using Natural Oils as Fuel.' A 12-seater bus has recently corn: pleted a 2,600-mile trial trip across . China, using only vegetable, oil as fuel. Six different oils......
Costly To Build Than The Petrol Type, But This Deficiency
is offset in the. fuel costs, which show a reduction of 80 per cent.......
Death Of S.m.t. Director.
The death took place on August 14 of Sir MAO Arthur Rose, Bt., D.S.O., LL.D., late Commissioner for the Special Areas in Scotland, and a director of the Scottish Motor Traction......
Operators Complain: Sitting Cancelled.
The Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, who, as announced in The Commercial Motor last week, was to have commenced a four days' session at Kirkwall, last . Saturday,......
Wilson Electric Move.
In future the London office of Partridge. Wilson and Co., Ltd., will he at Sentinel House, Southampton Row. London, W.C,1. Communications regarding service or spare parts for......
• Good, But Might Be Better! • . Since June,
1934, approximately 560 tramcars have been taken . out of service, having been rephkced by motorbuses or trolleybuses. To-day there are just over 2,000 tramcars operating, but......
Experts Who Will Lead Conference Discussions.
The C.M.U.A, has now announced the names of the persons who wilt open the discussions on the four papers to be read at the fourth National Road Transport Conference, at......
• I.a.e. Tests For Mechanics.
At a recent meeting of the Council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers it was decided to raise the fees" ic respect of the practical tests in con nection with the issue......