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Big Schemes To Speed Up Traffic Flow.
The Minister of Transport announces that drivers on the I3odmin-Derby road (A.38) will, in about two years' time, be able to avoid the narrow, congested length where it passes......
Out To Stop Overloading.
In its efforts to prevent the loading of vehicles beyond the legal limits, Cheshire County Council stopped 653 vehicles over a given period. Of this number, 313 were weighed and......
Huge Demand For " Roads."
So great was the demand for the brochure entitled "Roads," produced by the British Road Federation, that another 100,000 copies have been ordered and will be ready for......
Protecting Timber From Insects And Fungi.
Cuprinol, Ltd., 27, Horseferry Road, London, S.N.V.1, has published an interesting booklet entitled " The Enemies of Timber," which deals with the problems of wood decay and......
Eastern Bus Bodies.
Eastern Coach Works, Ltd., Laundry Lane, Lowestoft, has received a repeat order from Middlesbrough Corporation for eight of its Long-Life double-deck bodies, counterparts of six......
Carelessness Causes 75 Per Cent. Of Accidents.
_About a quarter of the accidents in Hampshire occur on roads which have not yet been modernized. As the mileage of these highways is considerably in excess of that of......
Coal Merchants To Carry For Reward Under C Licences?
A suggestion that, in view of the country's Urgent need for scrap metal, coal merchants operating under C licences should he permitted, during a limited period, to collect it......
Big Competition For Papers On Road Improvement.
Some time ago Belgium founded a prize competition of 2,000 francs for the author of the most striking paper submitted containing suggestions for promoting progress in the......
Higher Pay For Scots Vehicle Builders?
The National Union of Vehicle Builders and the Amalgamated Society of Woodcutting Machinists are to continue negotiations with the employers' organizations for uniform rates of......