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A TEMPERATURE-control le body system for commerci vehicles which, it

20th June 1981, Page 21
20th June 1981
Page 21
Page 21, 20th June 1981 — A TEMPERATURE-control le body system for commerci vehicles which, it
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is claimed, ce be assembled by semi-skille workers in less than 12 houi has been developed b Concargo Ltd.

The system, called Permacoll is claimed to meet all existin and prospective international n gulations governing thermal insulated transport. It has bee designed to suit all populi chassis, from Ford Transit to Leyland Boxer and includes th Fiat Z-range.

Concargo's approach to th design and construction of ten perature-controlled bodies i claimed to be a major departur from conventional methods. I the past, bodybuilders sourced range of raw materials and fi tings from a number c suppliers, which was both timc consuming and costly.

Concargo, however, suppliE Permacold off-the-shelf as a fla pack complete with all the item required to assemble the bod to the point of machinery fitmer and signwriting.

The system is based on a cl( sign of lightweight panels conprised of two flat-finished gr (glass reinforced polyester skins sandwiched with pif (pros injection urethane foam).

To allow rapid constructior Permacold is supplied as ir terlinking panel sets with pre-er gineered door assemblies an stainless steel hinges and locl ing components already fittec